Ruth Malhotra
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Over 70,000 Attend Easter Services at North Point Ministries; 30,000 Watch Online
Over 70,000 people attended an Easter service at one of North Point Ministries' eight church locations in the Atlanta area, with an additional 32,000 watching a service online from April 19 to 20. These results, unprecedented for North Point, were largely driven by their "Easter With Us" campaign, a coordinated effort involving each of the church campuses and regional partners in Georgia as well as the television and internet programming initiatives.
Over 20,000 Students Attend Passion 2014 Conference in Atlanta
The Passion 2014 Atlanta Conference kicked off at Philips Arena in Atlanta Friday with over 20,000 university students attending the two-day event from around the world. Students from over 1,200 universities and 33 countries attended this year's Passion conference in Atlanta. This is the first of Passion's two large-scale gatherings this year in North America for 18-25 year olds. Passion 2014 Houston will be held on February 14-15 at the Toyota Center.
Atlanta Megachurch Pastor Andy Stanley 'Uncomfortably Bold' on Confronting Christians About Wealth, Generosity
Stanley is convinced that the biggest challenge facing rich people is that they have lost their ability to recognize that they are indeed rich, a point he has been known to be "uncomfortably bold" about emphasizing to his congregation which averages over 33,000 people weekly. "No matter where you stand on the economy, we live in the richest time of the richest nation in history," he adds. "I wrote this book to help rich people get better at being rich. It is a general call to greater generosity
Joy to the World: A Christmas Reflection on Darkness and Light
The auditorium was filled to capacity, the stage was set with brightly colored lights and creative props, and the music was loud and animated – all typical aspects of a contemporary worship service, yet features that still catch my attention on occasion as someone raised in a more traditional church environment.
The Day I Grew Up: A Reflection On Faith and Family
Twenty-three years ago today, I was a young child sitting in church when my mom suddenly told me to call an usher. Here is what happened the day I almost lost my mom and brother… and how that traumatic experience still impacts my perspective and priorities.
Andy Stanley to Launch 'Be Rich' Campaign to TV Audience; Generosity Initiative Expected to Surpass $5 Million
"Be Rich." If you think this is yet another television preacher's attempt to convince you to send in a big check for a church building project or focus on expanding your own material wealth, think again.
Epoch Awards to Honor Missions Innovators Tackling Global Challenges
The second bi-annual Epoch Awards will take place Monday in Atlanta, Ga., as a red carpet celebration of missions innovators and charity leaders from around the world featuring an awards presentation of resources totaling $50,000 to further these efforts.
Dr. Charles Stanley as Dad: A Father's Day Reflection on Pastor's Kids, Prayer, and Parenting
Becky Stanley Brodersen, Dr. Charles Stanley's daughter who now resides in Dallas, Texas, also shared a heartfelt testimony of his love and support over the years and emphasized how he taught her to pray and listen to God as a young child.
Interview: Valedictorian Roy Costner IV on Ripping Up His Approved Speech, Reciting Lord's Prayer
In an interview with The Christian Post, Roy Costner IV answered 5 questions about why he decided to defy school rules and pray at graduation, how he is responding to critics, and what he plans to do in the future.
Ravi Zacharias to Liberty Univ. Graduates: Draw the Right Lines in Life, Find Your Definitions in God
Ravi Zacharias, renowned Christian apologist, best-selling author, and founder of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, delivered the Baccalaureate Address at Liberty University's historic 40th Commencement exercises earlier this month.