Shane Idleman

Shane Idleman

CP Guest Contributor

Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Lancaster, California, just North of Los Angeles. Shane's sermons, articles, books, and radio program can all be found at or He is the author of Feasting & Fasting, If My People, Desperate for More of God, and Help! I'm Addicted. Follow him on Facebook at: You can also follow Pastor Shane on the new free speech platform Parler


  • Are American Christians the Walking Dead?

    Are American Christians the Walking Dead?

    Are many of us playing games with God? This is often why "Christians" bare little resemblance to Christians defined by Scripture. The cares of the world choke spiritual life out of us, as described by Jesus in the parable of the seed and the soil. They are the walking dead ... dead to the things of God.

  • Warning: This Article May Offend Many Christians

    Warning: This Article May Offend Many Christians

    I'm not referring to all churches collectively in this article, but to the large majority who have drifted away from God. The present condition of the church leaves one to wonder if the lack of the fear of the Lord is contributing to her spiritually dead condition.

  • 7 Reasons Christian Leaders Fall

    7 Reasons Christian Leaders Fall

    Why do they fall? They fall for the same reason that all Christians fall. Each of us are drawn away by our own evil desires and enticed. When these desires are acted upon, they lead to sin (cf. James 1:14-15).

  • Perry Noble and My Alcohol Addiction

    Perry Noble and My Alcohol Addiction

    Alcohol is a dangerous liberty. I learned this lesson the hard way, even as a Christian involved in ministry. I could have a beer or two on special occasions, but because of my past problem with alcohol as a young adult, the addiction was always ready to take hold of me again.

  • Dallas: How Can We Quench the Fires of Racism and Violence?

    Dallas: How Can We Quench the Fires of Racism and Violence?

    As I read the news reports, my heart immediately went out to the families. The media has been fueling the flames of racism and hatred for some time and we are reaping the whirlwind.

  • Fourth of July Wake-up Call for the Pulpit and the Pew

    Fourth of July Wake-up Call for the Pulpit and the Pew

    "We have forgotten God, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own" (Abraham Lincoln).

  • Evangelical Pastors Advise Trump: Why Are Christians Divided?

    Evangelical Pastors Advise Trump: Why Are Christians Divided?

    I'm extremely saddened by the negative comments toward pastors who have sought to advise Trump — Jack Graham, Jentezen Franklin, Harry Jackson, and many others who have helped me immensely — these are godly men.

  • Fathers: Wake Up! We're the Reason the Nation Is Deteriorating, Family Is Breaking Down

    Fathers: Wake Up! We're the Reason the Nation Is Deteriorating, Family Is Breaking Down

    Last year I received an email correspondence from a desperate wife and mother: "I won't watch my kids be physically abused anymore. ..."

  • Can the Pope Bring Revival?

    Can the Pope Bring Revival?

    I thank God for the wonderful work that many large ministries are doing to promote revival from D.C. to Pasadena — I wish there were more, but there is also a very troubling trend in the evangelical church as a whole.

  • America: Then vs. Now. It's Almost Unbelievable.

    America: Then vs. Now. It's Almost Unbelievable.

    Newsweek magazine, on December 27, 1982, in an article entitled, How the Bible Made America, made this revealing statement, "historians are discovering that the Bible, perhaps even more than the Constitution, is our Founding document."