Shane Idleman

Shane Idleman

CP Guest Contributor

Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Lancaster, California, just North of Los Angeles. Shane's sermons, articles, books, and radio program can all be found at or He is the author of Feasting & Fasting, If My People, Desperate for More of God, and Help! I'm Addicted. Follow him on Facebook at: You can also follow Pastor Shane on the new free speech platform Parler


  • 5 Things Pastors Need to Stop Doing Immediately

    5 Things Pastors Need to Stop Doing Immediately

    Pastors, we are not just cheerleaders, we are game changers. We are called to stir and to convict so that change takes place. Granted, there are many wonderful pastors and churches — I appreciate their ministry, but, as a whole, the church has drifted off course.

  • Jesus on Homosexuality. Jen Hatmaker Should Read This.

    Jesus on Homosexuality. Jen Hatmaker Should Read This.

    Jen Hatmaker recently made the following comment in a question-and-answer-style interview published by the Religion News Service, "Not only are these [LGBT] our neighbors and friends, but they are brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • ​America Is a Broken Nation; Here's How to Fix It

    ​America Is a Broken Nation; Here's How to Fix It

    America cannot fall because she has already fallen. We are now picking up the pieces of a broken nation.

  • Why I'm Voting for Mike Pence

    Why I'm Voting for Mike Pence

    While we are concerned with terrorism, and rightly so, there is a greater threat from within. We are witnessing the rapid deterioration of a nation before our eyes. We have become one nation "above" God, rather than under God.

  • The Shirt Read, 'Shoot The Police'

    The Shirt Read, 'Shoot The Police'

    Stunned, I contemplated what I had read. Just days after Sergeant Owen in Lancaster, California, was brutally killed, a young high schooler was photographed at a local high school wearing a shirt that read, "Shoot the Police." Emotions surfaced from anger to sadness.

  • To Both the Compromiser and the Legalist: REPENT!

    To Both the Compromiser and the Legalist: REPENT!

    Popular opinion says that because we are "no longer under law, but under grace" (Romans 6:14) our choices are no longer bound to the law...the "thou shalt nots" no longer apply; we have complete freedom. But this twisting of the truth attempts to justify sin.

  • The Only Thing Holding Many Churches Together Is ...

    The Only Thing Holding Many Churches Together Is ...

    I knew a pastor who instructed his worship leader to remove songs that mentioned the Holy Spirit, and another pastor who removed songs about the blood of Christ. How sad ... in their zeal to avoid charismatic excesses and offensive truths, these pastors actually quenched and grieved the Spirit.

  • The Difference Between True Revival and False Fire

    The Difference Between True Revival and False Fire

    As believers, we are to discern truth from err, light from darkness, and right from wrong … but how?

  • Pastors: Stop Trying to be Popular and Politically Correct

    Pastors: Stop Trying to be Popular and Politically Correct

    A few years back, I listened in astonishment as some prominent emerging leaders talked about replacing "preaching" with "having a conversation."

  • Sitting for National Anthem: Trend or Tragedy?

    Sitting for National Anthem: Trend or Tragedy?

    I'm all for exercising Constitutional Rights, but this new trend is alarming. Standing honors those who have given their lives for the freedoms that we now enjoy — freedoms that allow these individuals to make millions of dollars and never have to worry about retirement or hard work.