Tyler O'Neil
Op-ed contributor
Washington, D.C.-Area Pastors, Members of Congress Pray for Saeed Abedini, Protest Outside White House
Around 100 people, including pastors, Congressmen, and a U.S. Senator, joined in prayer and protest in front of the White House for Iranian-born pastor Saeed Abedini, to mark the one-year anniversary of his imprisonment.
Modern Miracles: 5 Stories For Bible Skeptics From 'It's a God Thing'
A new anthology of modern miracles aims to show Bible skeptics that God does wonders and invites them to see the miracles in their own lives.
Christian University Embroiled in Transgender Health Care Controversy
Azusa Pacific University (APU) and its former chair of theology, Heather Ann Clements, a woman professor who announced her true identity as a man, Heath Adam Ackley, have decided to part ways but are still battling over transgender health insurance, according to Ackley's attorney. A spokesman for APU, based in Los Angeles, Calif., however, would not characterize the parting in the same way.
What Does the Bible Say About Trans-Gender Identity?
Last month, a professor and former dean of theology who changed gender identities argued that the Bible defends those who renounce their birth gender, while a leading biblical expert on homosexuality said it condemns them as an "abomination."
Mark Batterson: Let the Spirit Convict You to Go 'All In' for Jesus
Bestselling author and pastor Mark Batterson prays that his newest book would open readers to the tug of the Holy Spirit – that they would make a defining decision to follow Jesus, instead of asking Jesus to follow them.
Ex-Gay Awareness Dinner to Award Legal Defender, Former 'Satanic Drag Queen'
Voice of the Voiceless (VoV), an organization defending the rights of former homosexuals, will honor litigator Mat Staver and former "Satanic Drag Queen" Trace McNutt at its First Ex-Gay Awareness dinner next week. Another former homosexual, the Christian singer/songwriter Dennis Jernigan, will perform his music, while Bishop Harry Jackson is set to give the keynote address.
Moody Bible Will No Longer Ban Alcohol, Tobacco For Employees
In a reversal of a 127-year-old policy, the Moody Bible Institute will no longer require employees to refrain from alcohol and tobacco consumption -- a dramatic policy change affecting 600 workers in its radio, publishing and educational divisions.
'War on Women' Is a Sham, Liberal Columnist Says
In a debate about "Mad Women" and "the Battle of the Sexes," liberal columnist and Christian convert Kirsten Powers said that there is no "War on Women" as the Democratic Party has presented it. While the other liberal panelist disagreed, the conservatives argued that there is an under-reported "war on men."
Gunman Who Attacked FRC Sentenced to 25 Years; Guard Says 'God Took Over' in Shooting, Prays for Attacker
Floyd Corkins II, a gunman who attacked the conservative non-profit Family Research Council (FRC) last year, received a 25 year prison sentence for plotting a mass shooting. Leo Johnson, the guard who stopped him, credited God for saving both of their lives, and said he continues to pray for Corkins.
Egyptian Christians Enjoy Short Respite From Radical Muslims, but Fear More Retaliation Soon
Since Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi was overthrown on July 3, his radical supporters have ruled the southern Egyptian city of Dalga, carrying out various attacks of vengeance against the city's 20,000 Christians, whom they blame for Morsi's overthrow. The military government took control of the city earlier this week, prosecuting the Islamists, but Christians fear the peace will be short-lived.