Tyler O'Neil
Op-ed contributor
Christian Reviewers Call New Film 'Gravity' an Allegory for God, Jesus
Alfonso Cuaron's box-office record-smasher "Gravity" also broke new ground for faith in Hollywood, according to Christian reviewers who praised the film. They saw the presence of God throughout – in an allegory to the death and resurrection of Christ, a personal interaction with God, and a God-given hope in the afterlife.
Miley Cyrus Mocks Michele Bachmann in Controversial DC Shutdown SNL Skit
Pop star Miley Cyrus took to Saturday Night Live (SNL) to parody the Republicans blamed for the government shutdown. Reactions varied from disgust to support, and even some praised Cyrus' "sexy 'Republican' look."
Bishop Harry Jackson Shares Story of Survival at Ex-Gay Awareness Event
Bishop Harry Jackson shared his miraculous story of surviving esophageal cancer and, as a result, rededicating himself to God, at the recent Ex-Gay Awareness Dinner and Reception in Washington, D.C He used this experience to inspire a new movement of those who decide to leave the gay lifestyle for Jesus.
'I Want Your Churches to Burn' Comment, Cross Vandalism at Pro-Life Events Increasingly Common, Says Pro-Life Student Group
National organization Students for Life of America (SFL) said that vandalism of crosses and offensive statements are commonplace at recent pro-life rallies, with pro-life students at Indiana University catching such actions on tape.
Magazine Ad Inspires Merger Between Two Christian Relief Groups
The Christian Relief Fund (CRF) and Bread for a Hungry World (Bread), two worldwide Christian ministries, have finished an official merger this week, a move which empowers both, representatives say. The idea for the merger came from a dual magazine ad.
Why Are So Many Christians Leaving the Girl Scouts?
The steady decline in youth and adult participation in Girl Scouts is at least in part attributed to sex education decisions made by Girl Scout national leaders, according to Christians studying the trend and former Girl Scout local leaders who are Christians.
Ex-Gay Awareness Event Gathers Former Homosexuals to Proclaim Sexual Self-Determination Freedom
Following the June closing of Exodus International, other groups promoting those who struggle with unwanted same sex attraction are taking up the ex-gay banner, and about 60 of these leaders attended the First Annual Ex-Gay Awareness Dinner and Reception on Monday.
Christian Reviewers Praise 'Don Jon' Stance Against Porn and Narcissism, but Warn Against Seeing It
Christians who went to see Joseph Gordon-Levitt's directorial debut, "Don Jon," praised the film's message but warned Christian viewers to either not see it or to treat it with extreme caution.
Christian Leaves Victoria's Secret to Stop 'Selling Sex' and Become True Role Model
Kylie Bisutti left a lucrative career in the modeling industry, where she found unhealthy pressures and excessive sexualization, to rededicate herself to Christ and become a better role model for little girls.
'Don Jon': A Porn Addict's Journey Beyond Himself (Video Trailer)
New film Don Jon, Joseph Gordon-Levitt's directorial debut, stuns, disgusts, and inspires with superb acting, witty dialogue, and a poignant theme – the struggle of losing yourself in today's narcissistic iPhone culture.