2,500 Tickets to Donald Trump's Friday Rally at Virginia Megachurch Sell Out in Hours

Tickets to a massive campaign rally for GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump planned for Friday at the Wave Church Convention Center in Virginia Beach, Virginia sold out within a matter of hours after the event was open for registration, and now one local politician is pushing for a larger venue as demand continues to swell.
Virginia House of Delegates Republican Rep. Scott Taylor from Virginia Beach, who is hosting Trump at the event, explained in a statement Wednesday on his Facebook page that the speed with which the 2,500 tickets were snapped-up was unexpected and that he would try to push for a larger event space to accommodate the demand.
Registration to be included on a waitlist for the event is still possible here.
"We are excited to bring presidential contender, Donald Trump, to Virginia Beach. I'm hoping to bring more candidates," Taylor wrote.
"The event sold out much quicker than anyone anticipated. The campaign, as it should, is running the event. I am pushing for a larger venue. My goal is for as many people as desire, to be able to attend. You, your families, and Virginia are very important."
Taylor, who hasn't endorsed any of the GOP presidential contenders, said he invited a number of them to come to Virginia Beach to meet and speak with his constituents and Trump was the first to respond to the invitation.
"Trump's campaign was the first one to say 'Yes, let's do it, let's have an event,' and that's how Friday came about," Taylor told WTKR.
Despite not yet endorsing anyone for president, Taylor says he likes Trump because he "tells it like it is."
"I like that he is not politically correct and does not back down," said Taylor.
"After being contacted by several Presidential campaigns seeking endorsement, I decided the best thing to do was offer to help to facilitate and host town halls in the largest city in Virginia," Taylor noted.
"It is important for the people of Virginia Beach, Hampton Roads, and all of Virginia to see and hear as many candidates as possible."
Pastor Steve Kelly of Wave Church also told WTKR that he understands that the potential for a crush of people at the event might cause a bit of a disruption in the flow of normal activities in the area, but he is working with local police to ensure that things run smoothly.
"We'll have police there to make sure we manage that, the traffic flow. We have a hospital down the road, we don't ever want to interfere with any emergency vehicles," he said.
The Wave Convention Center is located at 1000 N. Great Neck Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23454. Doors will open at 5 p.m. and the event will start at 7 p.m.