Presidential Candidates Vie for Evangelical Votes at Texas Megachurch's Sold-Out Pre-Election Forum

Presidential candidates seeking the Evangelical vote will be speaking to a sold-out crowd of 7,000 potential voters at a Texas megachurch in mid-October.
Sen.Ted Cruz, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Dr. Ben Carson, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Sen. Rick Santorum and Carly Fiorina have already confirmed their attendance and will be expounding on their views to attract support from this coveted interest group during the Oct. 18 forum, sponsored by Prestonwood Baptist Church and the Faith & Freedom Coalition at the congregation's Plano campus.
"As Christians, we're interested in all the issues: marriage and family, sanctity of life, wealth and poverty, racial reconciliation, immigration, human trafficking, justice, and so much more," said Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church, to The Christian Post about the church's first-ever candidates' forum.
"In partnering with the Faith & Freedom Coalition, we wanted to provide an opportunity to hear the heart of these candidates regarding issues that are important to Evangelical Christians," said Graham.

Invitations were sent out to all presidential candidates from both Democratic and Republican parties. No deadline has been set for when a candidate can RSVP for the forum.
"Obviously, we would like for all the candidates we invited, Republican and Democrat, to be part of this forum," explained Graham.
"However, we understand that they all have busy schedules and maybe had prior commitments already scheduled."
For the candidates that make it to the forum, each one will be given 10 minutes to speak at the beginning of the event and then Graham will interview them on certain issues.
The forum has garnered much interest. In addition to the 7,000 free tickets already claimed, the event will be broadcasted on C-SPAN and livestreamed on Prestonwood Baptist's webcast.
"We want the audience, viewers and listeners to have a better understanding of each candidate through this casual conversational format," said Graham.
The forum will be held about a month after the Iowa chapter of Faith & Freedom Coalition hosted its annual dinner, featuring several presidential hopefuls.
Held at the Paul R. Knapp Learning Center in Des Moines in September, the dinner featured Republican candidates including Donald Trump, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Huckabee give remarks.