3 myths about the resurrection

Without the bodily resurrection of Jesus, Christians have no hope and their faith is worthless.
Yet misconceptions and outright untruths have persisted about this event, the greatest of miracles, that God who took on flesh and walked among us, died a brutal death on the cross and was supernaturally raised from the dead on the third day.
"The greatest misconception we have of Jesus, most particularly in the West, is that we can take measure of him; that we can reduce divinity to our mortal understanding," commented Fay Voshell, a theologian and a contributor to The Christian Post in Wednesday interview.
"It is Christ who takes measure of us, who saw and sees our helpless state; who came from glory to live among us, to die for us, to give us the hope of resurrection and to welcome us to his home in heaven. He is the way, the truth, and the life. Any attempt to make him fit our finite understanding utterly vitiates the glorious hope of Easter."
Here are 3 more misconceptions about the resurrection.