6 Critical Moments in Senate Testimony: Ford '100 Percent Certain,' Kavanaugh Swears Innocence Before God
6. Kavanaugh Vows Before God He Is Innocent

The final question was given to Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., who prompted Kavanaugh to look him in the eye and answer "right in front of God and country" whether Ford's allegations are true.
Kavanaugh responded: "They are not as to me. I have not questioned that she might have been sexually assaulted at some point in her life by someone, someplace. But as to me, I've never done this; never done this to her or to anyone else."
The judge went on to deny the allegations of Ramirez and Swetnick as well, saying that he is "100 percent certain" that he committed none of the things he is being accused of.
"Not a scintilla; 100 percent certain, senator," he affirmed.
Kennedy asked him to swear to God in what he is saying, and Kavanaugh repeated in his final answer before the hearing was adjourned: "I swear to God."