9-Year-Old Girl Goes Above and Beyond for the Homeless – She Builds Shelters and Grows Food!

This little girl may be just 9 years old, but she is already making a positive impact. When Hailey Fort was 5, she and her mother Miranda crossed paths with a homeless man in Bremerton, Washington. It changed the way she thinks and views them forever.
Like many young children, Hailey had many questions. But, she didn't stop once she had the answers her mother provided. Instead of just saying "OK," she insisted her mom buy him a sandwich, which her mother gladly did. As they left this homeless man, Edward, she recognized that it was only the beginning of something she would be passionate about forever.
Her passion toward helping those less fortunate grew stronger as time went on. She now spends her spare time building mobile shelters for the homeless, growing food to give away, fundraising for her projects and even getting donations from businesses so she can provide toiletries to those in need.
"It just doesn't seem right that there are homeless people," Hailey said. "I think everyone should have a place to live."
Donations help her build these shelters, and for the most part, she completes the construction by herself. Her parents help her from time to time as well.
Hailey's goal is to grow 250 pounds of food to feed the homeless, build 12 shelters and deliver thousands of toiletry items to those who need support.
"If your brother becomes poor and cannot maintain himself with you, you shall support him as though he were a stranger and a sojourner, and he shall live with you. Take no interest from him or profit, but fear your God, that your brother may live beside you." - Leviticus 25:35-36
Check out this heartwarming story about Hailey Fort below: