Anne Graham Lotz: God Is Hiding From America, His Anger and Judgment Are Coming

Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of famous evangelist Billy Graham, has warned that God might be purposefully hiding himself from America in preparation for a coming judgment on the nation.
"Our nation is in a mess. Why? Could it be because America is losing God's blessing? His favor. Could our sin be provoking His judgment? Judgment that is not necessarily in the form of a nuclear dirty bomb, or another ISIS attack, or an economic collapse. But a Romans 1 judgment as God backs out of our national life and turns us over to ourselves," Lotz wrote on her website Wednesday.
She recalled the story in the Old Testament where God punishes the nation of Judah, which continued to become more disobedient and more "wicked," choosing immorality and idolatry, provoking God's anger and leading to Judah's destruction.
"God warns a nation that judgment is coming. He doesn't want any to perish. But if a nation does not heed His warnings, He unleashes His anger and there is nothing — no one — who can prevent it. If God would judge His own beloved nation of Judah, why would we think America could escape?" Lotz asked.
"So … if we are coming under the judgment of God — if He is giving us over to ourselves, removing His blessing, protection, and favor — the solution will not be found in politics or the economy or the military or technology," she continued.
"The solution will be found on our knees as we humble ourselves, pray, seek God's face, and repent of our sin. Then plead for Him to return to us as we return to Him."
Lotz reflected that some of the prayers and calls for repentance she has heard within the Church are more a "rending of garments" and an "outward show to impress."
"Only God knows those who are rending their hearts as they seek Him. But I am led to ask myself … how truly serious am I about seeking God on behalf of our nation? When was the last time I fasted and wept and mourned and confessed the sin of our nation as though it were my own? I believe the future of America hangs on the answer to that question," she said.
Billy Graham's daughter has warned on numerous occasions in the past couple of years that God's judgment on America is coming with the return of Jesus Christ to Earth.
"I was born just a week apart from the time when Israel was reborn as a nation [1948]. We are the same age," Lotz said in May 2015.
"And I believe that if I live out my lifetime, a natural lifetime, I believe I will live to see the return of Jesus in the Rapture when He comes back to take us to be with Himself, which means preceding that there are going to be some signs. There are going to be some warnings."