Cancer-Stricken Nabeel Qureshi Saw Jesus in a Dream, Was Given 'Prophetic Act' to Carry Out

Prominent Christian apologist Nabeel Qureshi, who is battling stage IV stomach cancer, said Jesus recently appeared to him in a dream and gave him an odd command after he prayed for God to give him more guidance as he continues to "languish" and go through chemotherapy.
Qureshi, a Pakistani-American Muslim convert to Christianity who is an author and has also served with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, announced last year that he was diagnosed with a serious form of stomach cancer and that he only has a 4 percent chance of living past the next five years.
In a video update posted to YouTube earlier this month, Qureshi called for prayers as he is having a hard time eating, adding that the last few days have been "pretty difficult" because the radiation has caused some inflammation.
In his post, he also said that he saw Jesus in a dream for the first in his life at the end of February after he had asked Jesus to reveal himself in the form of a vision or dream.
"It's something that I have never seen before," Qureshi detailed. "A lot of people who are leaving Islam and become Christian do so because they have seen Jesus in a dream or a vision. I did receive dreams and visions when I was seeking the truth about Christianity and Islam but I never actually saw Jesus in a dream or a vision. I saw things that led me to the Gospel. I was thrilled to have seen Jesus in a dream. I had been praying for it. I had been asking for guidance and I think I got some."
As Qureshi has been desiring to see Jesus, he understands that some people might argue that the Jesus he saw in his dream might be a figment produced by his mind.
"Take it however you will but I had been praying for a vision or a dream of Jesus so I got this dream," he said. "In this dream, I am sitting at a balcony of some kind of indoor structure that was kind of like a [shopping] mall but I don't think it was a mall. If you have ever been to a mall where there are multiple levels and you can look down from a higher level to a lower level ... it was that kind of a glass balcony, railing kind of thing. I was sitting there waiting for Jesus because I knew that I was about to meet Him. Then, Jesus appears to me."
"The way He appeared to me was striking, very striking. He wasn't glowing. Some people say they see a lot of light. I didn't see a lot of light. I saw a man in his young 30s, which was striking to me because whenever I see pictures of Jesus ... if you look at paintings or artist depictions, they usually depict Him as a middled-aged man in his 40s," Qureshi continued. "In my dream, I saw a man who was exactly my age. He looked like my peers, quite handsome, on the lighter-skin side but not white, dark eyes, short hair, short beard. He was wearing a white robe with a green sash. It was a forest green, darker green. The cloth had embedded in it the texture, the shape. ... It was kind of diamond patterned."
Qureshi explained that Jesus came up to him and gave him a huge hug that made him feel "very loved" and embraced.
"He sat down and He had a conversation with me. Unfortunately, I don't remember what we talked about, which is bothering me," Qureshi admitted. "I am going to pray about that a bit that if the Lord wants to, He remind me what we talked about."
However, there was one odd part of the conversation that Qureshi did recall, which he later understood to be somewhat of a "prophetic" command.
"I remember Him saying the word 'baby' followed by the words 'sponge bath,'" Qureshi recalled. "Now, not exactly what I was expecting to hear from Jesus — 'baby' and 'sponge bath.' But those are the only things that I remember from the dream, apart from the hug and what he looked like and where we were."
When Qureshi woke up from his dream, he told his wife, Michelle, that he needed to give their young baby daughter a sponge bath. He later went out to Target and bought a sponge and returned home to give his daughter the Jesus-requested sponge bath.