Chris Broussard Calls Radio Show That Called Him 'Donkey' for Stance Against Homosexuality
Chris Broussard, the ESPN analyst who spoke out against NBA player Jason Collins claims of being homosexual and Christian called the popular radio show "The Breakfast Club" to defend himself against claims of intolerance.

Broussard, 44, was named "Donkey of The Day" by "The Breakfast Club" radio host Charlamagne Tuesday. The syndicated New York City radio show host questioned how a Christian man could be so judgemental of Collins' admittance to homosexuality after the analyst spoke out about unrepentant sin on ESPN.
Charlamagne insisted that God would forgive Collins and every other sinner, despite Broussard's stance on the matter.
"God is a forgiving God," the radio host tweeted while on the radio. "(At least Me and my unrepentant sins hope so)."
After being called "Donkey of the Day" on Tuesday, Broussard called into the New York City Power 105.1 radio station on Wednesday to defend himself. Charlamagne and his co-hosts Angela Yee and DJ Envy questioned Broussard about his stance, with the first asking why the analyst does not like homosexuals.
"I'm fine with homosexuals I have no problem with homosexuals. Obviously as I stated on ESPN, I'm a Christian," Broussard revealed on "The Breakfast Club." "I come across various lifestyles covering the NBA on an everyday basis. LZ Granderson (a homosexual ESPN commentator) we've been friends for years. We've had discussions on his lifestyle and my faith and we've respectfully disagreed."
One day after Charlamagne spoke about Broussard being a sinner just like every other human being, he questioned if the NBA analyst thought he was perfect.
"I never claimed to be perfect. I think you misinterpreted what I'm saying," Broussard said on "The Breakfast Club" Wednesday. "I definitely don't want to come off like I'm perfect, I'm just striving to be Christ-like ... all of us fall and stumble."
Broussard went on to reference scriptures from The Holy Bible like 1 Corinthians 6:9 and Romans 1 for his stance about homosexuality. However, the radio hosts questioned how those scriptures apply to those who were born homosexual, to which Broussard had a response.
"My personal belief is that you aren't born that way, I think scientific studies on both sides are really inconclusive. We are all born into sin," Broussard confessed on the radio show. "I'm married 17 years, never cheated on my wife but I'm tempted. That's the life of a Christian, you fight against temptation. If you stumble and fall you repent and you get back up."
Broussard's discussion on the nationally syndicated radio show stemmed from his appearance on ESPN's "Outside the Lines," where he spoke out against Washington Wizards Center Jason Collins claiming to be both Christian and homosexual.
"Personally I don't believe that you can live an openly homosexual lifestyle or an openly premarital sex between heterosexuals. If you're openly living that type of lifestyle, the Bible says you know them by their fruits, it says that's a sin," Broussard said on ESPN Monday. "If you're openly living in unrepentant sin, whatever it may be, not just homosexuality, adultery, fornication, premarital sex between heterosexuals, whatever it may be. I think that's walking in open rebellion to God and to Jesus Christ."