Watchdog lists Christian charities deemed not 'worthy of support from pro-lifers'

A pro-life advocacy organization claims that more than two dozen charities, including Christian organizations, have ties to or supported pro-abortion and LGBT advocacy.
The American Life League recently updated its "Charity Watchlist," placing charitable organizations into three categories based on their level of support for what the pro-life advocacy group describes as "life issues."
Organizations that receive "green colors" are considered "worthy of donation from pro-lifers" by ALL and are "opposed to abortion, human embryonic stem cell and/or aborted fetal body parts research, all forms of cloning, and other attacks against the human person at any state of development." Organizations also receive the color green if they refrain from donating to "Planned Parenthood Federation and other pro-abortion organizations."
Charities categorized in yellow "may have previously received a green positive or a red negative because of certain policy positions that are now questionable or cannot be verified."
Organizations classified in red are viewed by ALL as unworthy of support from pro-lifers due to supporting either through "theory, advocacy, lobbying, granting and/or research" any practices deemed by the pro-life group as "offenses to life." Charities highlighted in red may also have refused to answer ALL's inquiries and/or declined to "be clear about its position."
A majority (35) of organizations examined were colored in red, with multiple religious organizations singled out by ALL.
ALL contends that Catholic Relief Services, which "promotes human development by responding to major emergencies, fighting disease and poverty, and nurturing peaceful and just societies," supports "abortion and contraception."
"Catholic Relief Services has a long history of funding or directly participating with groups who are pro-abortion and pro-contraception. They openly admit, 'While CRS strictly adheres to the teachings of the Catholic Church, and our main partners are local parishes and dioceses throughout the world, we work with other agencies who are not always aligned with Catholic teaching,'" the watchlist states.
"CRS says it promotes human development by responding to major emergencies, fighting disease and poverty, and nurturing peaceful and just societies; it serves Catholics in the United States as they live their faith in solidarity with their brothers and sisters around the world."
The Christian Post reached out to CRS for comment on the watchlist. A response is pending.
The YMCA, which has Christian roots and was originally founded to "put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all," is also listed in red by ALL.
"Two YMCA's have recently (2023) have been underfire for their 'Trangender Policies' and the two seperate instances where minor girls were exposed to men in the Y's lockerrooms because of these policies," the ALL watchlist states.
The "transgender policies" in question allow trans-identified males to use locker rooms that correspond with their stated gender identity as opposed to their biological sex.
"The YMCA has done nothing to change this policy as part of their DEI initiatives. The Y has also had pro-abortion advocate, Connie Chung Joe, recently lead a virtual talk which included her 'fighting for reproductive rights' while working at the ACLU of Chicago."
ALL also accused the YMCA of supporting Planned Parenthood.
CP reached out to YMCA for comment. A response is pending.
The watchlist accused the Salvation Army, founded to "preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination," of promoting the LGBT lifestyle as well as supporting abortion and contraception.
"The Salvation Army does not fully condemn abortion, and makes note on their website that they do 'understand' the exception cases, such as rape, incest, and life of the mother and make excuses for these reasons," the watchlist states.
ALL also expressed concern that the Salvation Army has come out in favor of "birth control to prevent abortion" and promoted "Transgender Housing" in Las Vegas.
CP reached out to the Salvation Army for comment. A response is pending.
The maternal health charity March of Dimes and the Girl Scouts of the USA support the LGBT lifestyle, abortion and contraception, according to ALL. Meanwhile, ALL states that Boy Scouts of America promotes the LGBT lifestyle as does the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, which has individual clubs that have worked with Planned Parenthood and/or supported contraception.
The American Cancer Society has expressed support for the LGBT lifestyle as well as in-vitro fertilization, abortion, contraception and human embryonic stem cell research. The American Red Cross, an emergency response charity, has come out in favor of abortion, contraception and the LGBT lifestyle.
ALL reports that Save the Children "supports abortion and contraception," while the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation, a breast cancer research charity, supports the LGBT lifestyle, contraception, human embryonic stem cell research and has financially supported Planned Parenthood.
A total of 15 charities were categorized as safe for pro-lifers to donate to. Charities that received green light ratings include Alex's Lemonade Stand, which works to "change the lives of children with cancer through funding impactful research, raising awareness, and supporting families." According to ALL, the organization "states that research using embryonic stem cells is not permissible and that it will not fund this."
Another notable organization given the green light by the pro-life organization is the American Heart Association, which does not fund "fetal stem cell or embryonic research," use "human cells from IVF" or "cloning for human reproduction or harvesting tissue."
The Wounded Warrior Project, known for providing assistance to veterans injured in the line of duty, "upholds pro-life values/does not support anti-life organizations or agendas," the ALL report states.
A total of 10 charities were put in the yellow category.
Prominent organizations colored in yellow include Easter Seals, Habitat for Humanity, the Make-a-Wish Foundation and the St. Baldrick's Foundation. ALL put Easter Seals, which assists those with disabilities, in the yellow category because of its "support of LGBTQ+ lifestyle through blog/social media" and partnerships with "groups that have anti-life initiatives."
Similarly, the affordable housing charity Habitat for Humanity has "partnerships with groups" that "support abortion, contraception, and [the] LGBTQ+ lifestyle."
As for the Make-a-Wish Foundation, which grants the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses, its partnership with the Walt Disney Company earned it the color yellow. St. Baldrick's Foundation, committed to childhood cancer research, financially supports St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, which is colored red on the chart compiled by ALL.
Ryan Foley is a reporter for The Christian Post. He can be reached at: