Christian known for evangelizing Muslims, leading many to Christ, stabbed to death in Uganda

NAIROBI, Kenya — Muslim extremists this month killed a Christian who was effective in leading Muslims to Christ in eastern Uganda, sources said.
Engineer Herbert of Sironko District was stabbed to death in the Namakwekwe area of northern Mbale town on the night of April 8 while on his way home from work in the town where he had established a business that supported his evangelization of Muslims, area Christians said. He was 42.
“Herbert was very effective in evangelistic activities,” an area pastor told Morning Star News. “He worked and helped many evangelists in reaching Muslim communities in Nkoma, Nakaloke, Busajabwankuba, Nauyo, Kabwangasi and many parts of Mbale city and outside the city. His acts of supporting and helping preachers were seen in Muslim circles as misleading many Muslims who left Islam and joined Christianity, especially young men and women.”
The pastor and an area Christian, also unnamed for security reasons, found Herbert’s body at 9 a.m. local time on April 9.
“The pastor and I were able to recognize the man,” said the Christian, who had come across Muslims attacking Herbert the previous night. “He was lying in a pool of blood with deep cuts on his head, back and hands.”
The Christian had left Mbale town the night of April 8 but returned for fuel when he saw a group of Muslims in Namakwekwe cell, in the northern division of Mbale, he said.
“I switched on the full lights of my car and saw about five men beside the roadside dressed in Islamic capes and tunic clothes hitting a man who made a loud alarm asking for help, but I feared for my life as one of the attackers was shouting to him about damaging the Islamic religion,” he said.
He sped away, terrified, and upon reaching Mbale informed police, he said.
“Police requested me to take them to the site where the incident took place the following morning,” he told Morning Star News, adding that he was initially reluctant out of fear of Muslims harming him as a Christian eyewitness to the crime, but that police gave him assurances. “Later I agreed and decided to inform one of the pastors in Mbale town.”
The pastor, who accompanied him to the site of the crime the next morning, said Herbert had helped him and other church leaders.
“I was personally helped by the late Herbert, and indeed he had been a wonderful, gifted evangelist, as well as offering financial support toward the expansion of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ,” he said tearfully. “As the Body of Christ, we have lost a devoted servant of Christ.”
Police took the body for postmortem and have begun investigating.
The assault was the latest of many instances of persecution of Christians in Uganda that Morning Star News has documented.
Uganda’s constitution and other laws provide for religious freedom, including the right to propagate one’s faith and convert from one faith to another. Muslims make up no more than 12% of Uganda’s population, with high concentrations in eastern areas of the country.
Morning Star News is the only independent news service focusing exclusively on the persecution of Christians. The nonprofit's mission is to provide complete, reliable, even-handed news in order to empower those in the free world to help persecuted Christians, and to encourage persecuted Christians by informing them that they are not alone in their suffering.