Amazon, Netflix, Twitter: ‘Dirty Dozen List’ names 12 businesses profiting off sexual exploitation during pandemic

EBSCO Information Services, based in Ipswich, Massachusetts, provides online library resources to public and private schools, as well as public libraries and others.
According to NCOSE, the company made the list due to some of its products, namely Explora, Science Reference Center, and Literary Reference Center, providing “easy access to hardcore pornography sites and extremely graphic sexual content.”
“EBSCO has made significant progress over the last two years, particularly in educational databases meant for elementary students and also in those meant for middle school students,” stated NCOSE.
“Unfortunately, there is still sexually explicit content on EBSCO databases marketed to schools as safe and curriculum appropriate. We also remain concerned that EBSCO places most of the responsibility for removing such content on school and library administrators, yet EBSCO doesn’t adequately warn these administrators that the content is available so easily on its systems.”