Amazon, Netflix, Twitter: ‘Dirty Dozen List’ names 12 businesses profiting off sexual exploitation during pandemic

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation unveiled its annual Dirty Dozen list, comprised of 12 businesses and entities that the organization says profit off sexual exploitation.
NCOSE has been releasing the annual Dirty Dozen list since 2013 to spread awareness and get those on the list to stop promoting sexually graphic products and content and stop allowing sexual harassment, predatory grooming and child sexual abuse.
The latest list was released on Tuesday morning, with experts and NCOSE staffers talking more in-depth about these entities and why they were on the list during a virtual event held on Zoom.
Lina Nealon, director of Corporate and Strategic Initiatives at NCOSE, gave introductory remarks, saying those on the list benefited from the “societal chaos” of the pandemic.
“The Dirty Dozen list is comprised of corporations, brands, organizations, and institutions that you likely know. Ones that you and I are probably using on a weekly if not daily basis,” said Nealon.
“They exert enormous influence and power politically, economically, socially, and culturally. And while many of them provide us with products that we love, entertainment, and ways of communicating, they are also perpetuating and enabling violence and harm.”
NCOSE also included an additional “Watch List” where they listed Snapchat, TikTok, and Visa, because those entities had made improvements in tackling sexual exploitation but retained various problems.
Here are the 12 entities listed on the 2021 Dirty Dozen List. They include a popular social site, a major source of internet commerce, apps, and a state.