End Times Tribulation Will Actually Begin on Oct. 15, Claims Christian Numerologist

The beginning of the End Times will actually occur on Oct. 15, according to a Christian numerologist who denies having ever said that the world would end on Sept. 23 of this year.
David Meade, who received much attention for his claims on when the events of the Book of Revelation would begin to transpire, explained in a recent post on his website that the much heralded Sept. 23 was not supposed to be considered the end of the world.
"When the birth of Jupiter from Virgo occurs, we also see the fulfillment of Genesis 3:15 and Revelation 12:4 when great and fearful signs in the heavens are given," wrote Meade.

"When the birth of Jupiter from Virgo occurs, we also see the fulfillment of Genesis 3:15 and Revelation 12:4 when great and fearful signs in the heavens are given. This birthing occurs according to the latest astronomical data available on October 15, 2017. This is when the King Planet – Jupiter, crosses the womb region of Virgo."
Meade went on to explain that this marks "the day of the onset of the 7-Year Day of the Lord, or Tribulation."
"If we use astronomical calculations and the Book of Revelation only, and no extra-Biblical source such as visions, this takes us to the most important date of this century or millennium – October 15 this year of 2017," continued Meade.
Meade garnered many national headlines when he was interpreted as saying that Sept. 23 would be the end of the world, rather than a sign of things to come.
Among the critics was Greg Laurie, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship. In a statement posted to Facebook on Sept. 23, Laurie critiqued the idea.
"First of all, there is no such thing as a 'Christian numerologist' ... Secondly, according to Jesus, 'No man knows the day or hour' of Christ's return. (Matt. 24:36) Thirdly, it's already September 24th in some parts of the world," stated Laurie.
"Before the Second coming of Christ and the end of the age, Jesus will first come for His Church in what is often called 'The Rapture'. Then the Antichrist will emerge and the ... great Tribulation period will begin. Jesus could come back for His people at anytime though. So, be ready for that!"
For his part, Meade has argued that his words were misinterpreted by media, clarifying that "major signs" appeared on Sept. 23, but they were only "time markers."
"The mainstream media states that something visible will occur on these dates. I don't believe that," wrote Meade. "The actual event of the beginning of the Tribulation occurs on October 15. That's when the action starts. Hold on and watch – wait until the middle of October and I don't believe you'll be disappointed."