Father With ALS Joins His Daughter in the Ice Bucket Challenge to Raise Awareness (VIDEO)

The ALS ice bucket challenge has been all over social media this summer to raise money for awareness. But, not many have seen the people who actually have the disease do the challenge themselves. That would spark an even higher interest and give people even more of a reason to complete the challenge.
A daughter and her father, Kreg Palko, do the challenge together and it sparks an ongoing trend.
"I can't stand by and watch everyone put ice on their heads without joining in myself," Palko said in the video above. "Thank you everyone on behalf of all of us who have ALS. Thank you."
Most people think this challenge has done nothing to actually donate. But, they are wrong. The ALS foundation has raised over $1.35 million nationally from July 29 to August 11.
Watch this awesome video on Facebook below: