Franklin Graham Calls on Christians to Join 'Divine Intervention' Prayer for Political Conventions

The Rev. Franklin Graham has said that America is in desperate need of Divine intervention in the wake of several shootings and riots, and announced a major prayer initiative ahead of both the Republican and Democratic national conventions.
"Our country is in a huge mess. Shootings, riots, and protests now claim the headlines about America, and that's heartbreaking. We are in desperate need of Divine intervention. We need healing. Prayer is what can make a difference in America," Graham said in a Facebook message on Monday.
There have been several violent incidents that have shaken America's core in recent weeks, from the deadly shootings at an Orlando gay nightclub that left 50 people dead, to the shooting deaths of two black men by police last week, followed by three shootings of police officers in Missouri, Georgia and Tennessee, and the killing of five police officers in Dallas by a man who said he "wanted to kill white people."
Graham noted that the Republican National Convention is set to take place on Monday, where the first prayer initiative will take place.
"We will pray for our broken nation and for America's future. We will pray for these political conventions and the upcoming election. God's Word tells us that if we humble ourselves, confess our sins, and turn from our wicked ways, God will heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). He's the only one who can," the evangelical leader said.
He encouraged readers to join him on his Facebook page at noon on Monday for prayer.
"Wherever you are that day, I hope you will set your reminder to join us via your phone or your laptop. The Bible says that the prayers of one righteous person avails much (James 5:16). So if there are thousands of us calling out to God on behalf of our nation, can you imagine what He might do?" he asked.
Graham added that there will be a prayer initiative the following Monday during the Democratic National Convention.
Graham, who leads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, warned back in June that the Orlando shooting, the deadliest of its kind in modern U.S. history, was a "symptom" of the country's spiritual condition.
He also led more than 5,800 people in Springfield, Illinois, in prayer for the shooting victims, who were killed by Islamic extremist Omar Mateen.
Graham said at the time that he and the audience "began by standing together in prayer for the #OrlandoShooting victims, the medical teams caring for them, and those who are grieving lost loved ones after this horrific attack."
"We prayed for our country's brokenness and we asked God to heal our nation," he added.
Graham has also urged President Barack Obama and America's leaders to not shy away from branding such acts of terror specifically as Islamic extremism.
"Mr. President, with all due respect, don't forget Fort Hood; don't forget the Boston Marathon; don't forget San Bernardino; and don't forget 9/11. What do they all have in common? They were all Islamic terrorists carrying out their treachery in the name of their religion," the evangelical leader said.