
Google Fuchsia OS News: Everything To Know

Recent reports have revealed that despite the efforts being made to optimize Chrome OS, Google seems to be determined to roll out a third operating system in the form of the Fuchsia OS. Further reports indicate that it already has several features to build the building anticipation.

According to reports, the Fuchsia OS from the search engine giant is meant to allow it to be compatible with multiple platforms using the new kernel known as Zircon. This means that the Fuchsia OS can be used on mobile phones, laptops, and even tablets. Although Android vice president Dave Burke did say that it was still in the early stages of experimentation and nowhere near it finished form, some IT workers have begun to look into running it on various devices. There have been several reports that it works on the Pixelbook despite being so obviously incomplete.

Further reports indicate that the first things that set Fuchsia OS apart from Google's Chrome OS and Android is the lock screen, where it puts the time right smack in the middle. On the bottom of the screen, there will be several options including Wi-FI, login, and guest. For now, users can only enter as a guest to which they will be led to a home screen that looks like an expanded Google Now. The new OS is also capable of multitasking controls as well as running some apps. Overall, the Fuchsia OS is by no means a rip off of other operating systems.

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As it is, the Fuchsia OS is remarkably unique and fans have expressed their anticipation for its release. There is no news yet on when that might be, but fans are expecting more information to be released in the coming months. In the meantime, suffice it to say that the Fuchsia OS is not yet ready as it is prone to crash spells and lagging.

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