Jim Daly to Evangelical Pro-Lifers: Momentum Is on Our Side, Stop Playing Defense

Evangelicals in the pro-life movement need to go on offense in spreading their message, Jim Daly argued.
Daly, president of the Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family, was part of a Thursday panel at Evangelicals for Life.
Daly drew a parallel to American football, arguing that "the commentators on football always talk about the defense getting tired. They never talk about the offense getting tired."
"I'm sick and tired of playing defense. We have the best news, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We should have smiles on our faces," said Daly.

"I think in the Evangelical community particularly, we've been playing on the one yard line defense for many years. Let's play some offense."
Daly referenced as an example of being on offense Dave Daleiden, a Catholic, whose pro-life group the Center for Medical Progress gained national headlines for releasing several undercover videos purportedly showing Planned Parenthood engaging in illegal activities.
"That's what I love about what David's done with the videos, what many people in the movement now are going to say, 'hey, we've got great news.' Let's find some ways to continue to reduce the number of abortions, let's find ways to get more people adopted," continued Daly.
"We have many tools at our disposal and the biggest one is the culture is moving with us … Momentum is on our side. Now let's not make it more complicated by being ugly. Let's use the love of Christ to keep that momentum going."
Daly's comments came as he was part of a panel at the first annual Evangelicals for Life gathering in Washington, D.C.
Scheduled to correspond with Friday's annual March for Life event at the National Mall, Evangelicals for Life was centered on bringing more Evangelical Protestants into active involvement in the pro-life movement.
"Join the [Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission] and Focus on the Family as we host the first ever major pro-life conference for evangelicals in conjunction with the March for Life," noted the event's website.
"Evangelicals from across the country will gather in Washington D.C. to be inspired and equipped by top speakers including Russell Moore and Jim Daly. Every life is valuable because every life is made in the image of God."
Daly was part of the panel that focused on the future of the prolife movement. The other panelists were ERLC President Russell Moore, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference President the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, and Americans United for Life CEO & President Charmaine Yoest.
During her remarks as part of the panel, Yoest respectfully disagreed with Daly as to whether or not the pro-life movement was on defense.
"I do feel like there has been an under the radar offense that has been very aggressive and we've been able to be very strategic in how we've been pursuing an agenda that [is] a stealth agenda," said Yoest.
"We're going to do things that we can do that are right in front of us. A lot of times people get frustrated because they want to see a big change and yet we're able to affect big change by moving it to the ground that's right in front of us."
Despite a winter storm expected late Friday, the 43rd annual March for Life will take place Friday at the National Mall in Washington, D.C.