Man Arrested With 47 Guns: Threatened Another Elementary School Massacre

A man has been arrested with 47 guns in Indiana on Saturday, after he threatened to "kill as many people as he could" in yet another gun incident to hit the United States this week.
Von I. Meyer, was reportedly arrested with 47 guns as well as hoards of ammunition hidden all over his house in Cedar Lake, Indiana on Saturday, according to the Washington Post.
The 60 year old man has been described in reports as "disturbed" after threatening to go to Jane Ball Elementary School and "kill as many people as he could before police could stop him."
According to the Post, Meyer also had threatened his own wife, saying he would set her on fire after she fell asleep.
Following his arrest it has been reported that prosecutors have filed formal charges against Meyer for felony intimidation, domestic battery, and resisting law enforcement.
Meyer's residence is allegedly just a minute's walk from the Jane Bell Elementary School, which he threatened to attack.
Police found a total of 47 guns and an extensive supply of ammunition worth more than $100,000. It has been reported that a lot of the guns recovered by police were collector pieces.
The astonishing report comes just a day after a shooter shot dead 20 elementary school children and seven adults in Newtown, Connecticut before taking his own life. The gunman attacked Sandy Hook Elementary School on Friday morning, shooting his way into the school and gunning down 20 first grade children aged between six and seven years old.
That massacre has shocked the nation, and has sparked a call by many for tighter gun restrictions to be implemented across the country.
President Barack Obama addressed the nation on Friday afternoon about the Connecticut school shooting, saying the nation was heartbroken. He is expected to visit the families of children from Sandy Hook on Sunday as well as thank first responders to the incident.