Mark Driscoll Issues Another Apology, This Time Over 'Pussified Nation' Comments Made 14 Years Ago

Pastor Mark Driscoll, facing an onslaught of criticism in the last several months for a myriad of accusations by former members of the Seattle-based Mars Hill Church, has issued yet another apology, this time over angry remarks he made under a pseudonym on the church's website 14 years ago.
The most recent controversy includes Driscoll's comments revealed under the name 'William Wallace II' posted in 2000. Opening with the words, "We live in a completely pussified nation," Driscoll (as Wallace) condemns the majority of Christian men for being "Promise Keeping homoerotic worship loving mama's boy sensitive emasculated neutered exact male replica evangellyfish."
He added, "It all began with Adam, the first of the pussified nation, who kept his mouth shut and watched everything fall headlong down the slippery slide of hell/feminism when he shut his mouth and listened to his wife who thought Satan was a good theologian when he should have lead her and exercised his delegated authority as king of the planet.
"As a result, he was cursed for listening to his wife and every man since has been his pussified sit quietly by and watch a nation of men be raised by bitter penis envying burned feministed single mothers."
As reported by Christian Today, Driscoll ended his remarks by explaining that he expected many women to disagree with him, but "they like Eve should not speak on this matter".
The remarks made in a series of posts were removed quite some time ago, Driscoll stated in his apology released to The Christian Post on Friday.
"In 2000, we had an un-moderated discussion board on the Mars Hill website," Driscoll said. "While the discussion board itself was a bad idea, my decision to attack critics who were posting there (I did so by posting under the character 'William Wallace II') was an even worse idea —indeed, it was plain wrong. I was wrong to respond to people the way I did, using the language I used, and I am sorry for it and remain embarrassed by it.
"Consequently, I requested that the site be taken down shortly after it began some 14 years ago," he states. "I have not been silent about this matter or the wrongness of my behavior, writing about it in Confessions of a Reformission Rev (2006) as something I regretted and an example of a wrong I had learned from.
"The content of my postings to that discussion board does not reflect how I feel, or how I would conduct myself today. Over the past 14 years I have changed, and, by God's grace, hope to continue to change. I also hope people I have offended and disappointed will forgive me."
Driscoll's apology arrives ahead of a planned protest this coming Sunday at the church's main site by former members who have formed a group on Facebook titled, "Dear Pastor Mark & Mars Hill: We Are Not Anonymous."
The group is upset that although Driscoll apologized during a 30-minute long video released late last month for mishandling the dismissal of church leaders, he said the complaints filed during the aftermath were difficult to address because they came mostly anonymously.
In the group's "Open" Facebook page, the administration writes in the About section: "Pastor Mark Driscoll lamented that he's confused and unsure how to reconcile with people who were 'hurt' by his actions because they are 'anonymous.'" Then, after posting Driscoll's comments, the admin states, "This page exists for those who wish to lovingly help Pastor Mark by letting him know that they are not 'anonymous.' Please post a comment and proclaim: 'I am not anonymous.'"
A comment on the page posted Friday from Facebook user, Shay Forged-Tenacity, included the fact the person had visited Mars Hill Church in downtown Seattle in 2010.
"Loved the worship and saddened by your stories," posted Forged-Tenacity. "They resonate with me since I have walked away from the maddening rationale of the evangelical movement and subversive tactics used to keep people in line. I've not stepped away from my faith and it has taken quite a unique path as it's deeply personal. Yes, I looked up to Mark & MH and gutted by reality. So....thanks for allowing me to be here to walk amongst you. Much love."
Reporter Morgan Lee contributed to this article.