New Piers Morgan Petition Urges White House to Keep CNN Man in USA (VIDEO)

A new Piers Morgan petition to the White House has been started to counter the one calling for his deportation. In the new petition the Obama administration is asked to "keep Piers Morgan in the USA" as "no one in the U.K. wants him back."
The second White House petition centering on the CNN show host within a matter of weeks has already picked up 2,000 signatures and is looking to counter the prior petition calling for his deportation back to Britain.
The new petition was started by someone with a username of "Janusz J" and has been created with the goal to reach the 25,000 signatures requiring a formal response from the White House.
The "Keep Piers Morgan in the USA" petition was created on Dec. 25 and reads: "We want to keep Piers Morgan in the USA. There are two very good reasons for this. Firstly, the first amendment. Second and the more important point. No one in the UK wants him back. Actually there is a third. It will be hilarious to see how loads of angry Americans react."
The first petition managed to gather more than 80,000 signatures in less than a week, and should receive a formal response from the White House in due course.
It was sparked after Morgan sparked anger among thousands of Americans after labeling Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt "unbelievably stupid" as he interviewed him on his CNN show. Morgan's comments were a response to Pratt's proposals that more guns would be a suitable solution to the current gun debate, re-ignited after 20 six and seven year olds and six teachers were shot dead by a lone gunman in Newtown, Connecticut recently.
Morgan's comments spurned a White House petition started by a person called Kurt N from Austin, Texas which read: "British Citizen and CNN television host Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment. We demand that Mr. Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens."
Even more recently Morgan again sparked backlash after interviewing megachurch pastor Rick Warren earlier this week. In that interview Morgan proposed to Warren than the Bible was inherently flawed and should be amended to include gay marriage.
During the conversation, which primarily focused on the separation of Church and State as it relates to the Constitution, Morgan put forth the argument that there should be an "amendment to the Bible" specifically regarding same-sex marriage because, Morgan insisted, the Bible is "inherently flawed" in terms of the teachings and doctrines.
"Both the Bible and the Constitution were well intentioned but they are basically, inherently flawed. Hence, the need to amend it," Morgan controversially said.
The CNN host added: "My point to you about gay rights, for example, it's time for an amendment to the Bible."
However, despite the provocation from Morgan, Warren rebutted the proposal, saying, "No, not a chance. What I believe is flawed is human opinion, because it constantly changes."
He added, "What is new is not true. If it was here 1,000 years ago, it will be true 1,000 years from today. Opinion changes, truth doesn't."
To that the divisive CNN man said: "We'll have to agree to disagree on that."
Here is a video of Piers Morgan's comments to Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church: