Nostradamus' Donald Trump Prediction Comes True

In a stunning revelation sure to blow up the Internet, a group has claimed that famed 16th century soothsayer Nostradamus foresaw the rise of the Donald Trump presidential campaign.
Experts from the highly self-esteemed Nostradamus Postdiction Society released a statement arguing that one of Nostradamus' well known quatrains points to the rise of Trump.
"This is amazing and only further proves to us what we already assumed to be true: that Nostradamus was indeed able to see centuries into the future," stated the society.
"On many occasions, we have shown that Nostradamus has predicted the appearance of numerous disasters and dictators. Trump easily fits into both categories."

To justify their claim, the society pointed to two specific pieces of evidence to prove beyond shadow of a doubt that Nostradamus warned the world about Trump.
Item No. 1 was an illustration showing a burning tower. While long seen as proof that Nostradamus predicted 9/11, the Society was adamant that it could only be about Trump.
"Think about it! The Donald owns something called Trump Towers. A tower! The picture is a tower. Nostradamus is all but shouting the name 'Trump' at us," continued the society.
"And the fire emanating from the tower is clearly Nostradamus' way of warning us about the inflammatory rhetoric of Trump. Inflammatory rhetoric, owns a tower. It's so obvious!"
The other evidence cited in the Postdiction Society's statement was a quatrain, which reads as follows:
"Beasts ferocious with hunger will cross the rivers.
The greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister.
Into a cage of iron will the great one be drawn,
When the child of Germany observes nothing."
While other Nostradamus fans have long claimed that this quatrain had to do with Hitler, the society denounced such a notion as "obvious buffoonery" and "blatantly misguided."
"Hister is the Latin name for the Danube River, which flows into Germany. Trump has German ancestry. And the battlefield obviously means the crowded Republican field," explained the Society.
"Furthermore, the 'Cage of Iron' obviously means primetime debates and beasts crossing the rivers alludes to immigrants crossing the Rio Grande, which Trump has been ferocious toward."
News of the society's statement has rapidly spread on the Internet, as hundreds of thousands of people unrestrained by thinking post it on social media and email it to people.
The History Channel has already agreed to produce a 2-hour documentary about this latest Nostradamus claim and are expected to attribute the Trump prophecy to aliens.
Meanwhile, news of the apparent prediction has helped Trump surge another 3 percentage points in the national polls.