Planned Parenthood Promotes Promiscuity With 'Freedom to F***' Video Campaign

Planned Parenthood of New York City has launched a new video campaign titled "Protect Our Freedom to F***," filled with expletives and asking for donations, which some pro-life activists say "shows its class."
The profanity-filled video, released last week, features New Yorkers complaining about various things in life, big and small, from rent to fashion, with a message from the women's services and abortion provider at the end asking, "Protect our right to safely **** whoever the **** we want."
"New Yorkers have more sex than anyone else in America. (Woo! We did it!)," the campaign writes on its website.
"Planned Parenthood of New York City is here to make sure that everyone has access to the sexual and reproductive health care services they need," it adds.
"Please donate today and protect NYC's #FreedomToFck. (And always with consent!)"
The abortion-provider explains that the donations in support of the campaign will go into "birth control, STD testing and treatment, HIV testing and counseling, vasectomies, and pregnancy testing and counseling."
"Planned Parenthood of New York City is also proud to provide abortion services. And we can't forget sex education on consent, LGBTQ inclusivity, and healthy relationships," it declares.
Gerard Caputo, chief creative officer at BBH New York, the advertising agency behind the video, said in an interview with Ad Week that Planned Parenthood "had to be brave and make fearless decisions to overcome their daunting challenges. So our first goal was getting them to embrace that."
"We wanted to be celebratory in the face of massive opposition rather than plead their case in a typical PSA campaign that's easy to ignore. 'Freedom to F***' is meant to speak to a younger generation more empowered than ever and hopefully willing to help," Caputo explained.
"It all starts with the courage to do something different and we believe we have already succeeded."
In an op-ed for the pro-life group Live Action, Cassy Fiano argued that it makes sense that Planned Parenthood would promote promiscuity because more promiscuity means more STD's and more abortions, which is increases business for Planned Parenthood.
"Planned Parenthood may defend the campaign, saying they want people to have "safe sex," but condoms and birth control fail, and people who get STDs and seek abortion often are already using some form of protection," she wrote.
"Planned Parenthood isn't trying to do what is best for women, or for anyone else. It's trying to do what's best for its own bottom line."
The pro-life group Raidance Foundation made a similar point on Twitter: "Yup. Half a billion of our tax $$$ annually pay for this #fakehealth from @PPFA @PPNYCAction! Our gov't NEVER holds them accountable for all of their corruption. Oh, & NYC has an epidemic of STDs according to the CDC. So, how's THAT "freedom" for ya?"
Conservative pro-life activist Elizabeth Johnston, who's known online as the Activist Mommy, also criticized the video simply by playing it on Friday on her Facebook page with the caption, "Planned Parenthood Shows Its Class in Ad with 21 F-Bombs."
Johnston has slammed previous Planned Parenthood ads, such as one pushing the message "sex is hot" to teenage girls.
"This is the sickest example you can think of for what constitutes 'good advertising,'" Johnston wrote in June.
"Convince young girls that sex is hot. Belittle abstinence-only education. Rake in the dough when pregnant teenage girls come seeking abortions because 'safe sex' has failed them," she added, calling the ads in question "disgusting and immoral."