Planned Parenthood worker warns kids claiming trans identity are being used as ‘cash cows’

A Planned Parenthood employee is speaking out against the organization's practices of dispensing cross-sex hormones to trans-identifying teenagers, particularly distressed girls.
The staffer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, recounted in an interview with journalist Abigail Shrier how she felt morally conflicted about the volume of young people coming into the clinic claiming a transgender identity and yet showed signs of emotional and mental health issues. She also expressed great concern over the speed at which they were being prescribed cross-sex hormones, such as testosterone.
The young clients were prescribed hormones with almost no examination of their underlying problems, and medical oversight was practically nonexistent, the staffer alleged.
The Planned Parenthood employee, who said she's fully supportive of abortion rights, noted that abortions were the “bread and butter" for clinics. But now, she said, “trans-identifying kids are cash cows, and they are kept on the hook for the foreseeable future in terms of follow-up appointments, bloodwork, meetings, etc., whereas abortions are (hopefully) a one-and-done situation.”
Shrier is a Wall Street Journal op-ed contributor and author of the book, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, an investigative work released last year that examines why, for the first time in approximately 100 years of diagnostic history, the vast majority of young people diagnosed with gender dysphoria are teenage girls. Until recently, this extremely rare condition was almost exclusively seen in young boys.
That an abortion provider is now in the business of dispensing cross-sex hormones to teens is not a surprise to right-to-life advocates who attribute the development to a broader destructive agenda.
"The culture of death’s chief proponent, Planned Parenthood, has no problem putting profits over people," said Mary Szoch, director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council, in an email to the Christian Post.
"For years, they have exploited women and killed unborn babies for the sake of making money. They have denied the scientific fact that abortion takes the life of an unborn child. And so, it shouldn’t shock anyone that once again, Planned Parenthood is willing to put profits over people."
The abortion giant has recognized that if they can get a teenager to start hormones, they will keep coming back to their clinic, and with each visit, the profits will grow, she added.
"Once again, Planned Parenthood is willing to deny scientific facts — only this time, they are denying that a child with XX chromosomes is a girl, and a child with XY chromosomes is a boy. This isn’t much of a stretch for an organization that profits off denying a human being is a person who inherently has the right to life," Szoch said.
"Planned Parenthood began as a eugenic, profits-driven organization that exploited the vulnerable. Their current status as one of the largest providers of cross-sex hormones to females seeking medical gender transition is simply proof that their mission to spread the culture of death hasn’t changed," she reiterated.
While Shrier was unable to obtain the figures as to how much money Planned Parenthood is making from selling cross-sex hormones, the drugs linked to the medicalization of gender are nevertheless contributing to their bottom line, she stressed. The organization hasn't hidden its advocacy for "gender-affirming" care and boasts in its public messaging of being a leading provider of such services.
The Planned Parenthood employee added that, based on her recollection, many girls went in with their peer groups, and one to two girls went to the clinic each day to pick up cross-sex hormones.
With one exception, she reported never seeing anyone being denied access to cross-sex hormones.
“One of the boys who did confess that he smoked so much weed that he was doubling up on his estrogen … We did end up ceasing his therapy until he saw — I think it was like a substance abuse counselor or something like that. But other than that, we never turned away anybody," she told Shrier.
When asked if the clinic staff ever expressed reservations about the manner in which hormones were being prescribed to girls and whether it was the best course of treatment for their issues, the Planned Parenthood staffer replied: "Yeah. Every day.”
She added: “I mean, it would be one of those things that would be a conversation among professionals. You know, we’re nodding our heads, we’re doing this thing. And then we clock out at the end of the day because we cannot bring it up in discussion with management or the clinic directors or anything because they have these directives from administrators upstate.”
Her account of the relative ease with which young people are able to acquire cross-sex hormones dovetails with previous CP reporting wherein a 57-year-old mother went undercover into a Planned Parenthood clinic in Washington state, claimed to be transgender, and was given a prescription for testosterone with few questions asked.
Weeks before this mother went undercover by posing as a gender dysphoric person seeking cross-sex hormones, the woman's 18-year-old daughter, who has a developmental delay, was also prescribed testosterone by Planned Parenthood.
"I was pretty sure her doctors wouldn't do this given her mental health and physical health challenges and her mild learning disability," the mother said to CP.
Under Planned Parenthood's informed consent model, all that is required for patients who come into their locations is for them to sign a document saying that they understand the risks. Planned Parenthood is thus not considered legally liable for any harmful and lasting effects.
In 2015, the FDA released a safety announcement that warned: "Prescription testosterone products are approved only for men who have low testosterone levels caused by certain medical conditions. The benefit and safety of these medications have not been established for the treatment of low testosterone levels due to aging, even if a man’s symptoms seem related to low testosterone."
"FDA has concluded that there is a possible increased cardiovascular risk associated with testosterone use. ... Some studies reported an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, or death associated with testosterone treatment, while others did not."
Federal regulations additionally require manufacturers of approved testosterone products to conduct clinical trials to address whether an increased risk of heart attack or stroke exists among users of those products.
The mother told CP that she was prescribed the same dose of testosterone as her daughter.
"This whole thing is maddening, and I don't know what can be done about it," she said, adding that she had written to five different organizations to alert them about what Planned Parenthood is doing.
CP called the regional Planned Parenthood in the Pacific Northwest at the time and inquired about the side effects of cross-sex hormones, especially given scientific literature showing that the prefrontal cortex of the brain isn't fully developed until around age 25. The Planned Parenthood representative said that sounded like "smoke coming out of nowhere," and brain development was inconsequential to starting gender transition hormones.