Sarah Palin Praises Trump; Claims Billionaire Understands Working Class

While short of an official endorsement, Sarah Palin was effusive in her praise for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, claiming the celebrity billionaire is in touch with working class "Joe Six Pack" values. "I am so happy that he is running," she said.
Appearing on Fox's On The Record with Greta Van Susteren Tuesday, Palin was asked if she was endorsing the candidate and billionaire business leader:
"Here's the deal Greta, he's the best thing to happen to the permanent political class since the beauty of the Tea Party genuine movement rose up and shined light on crony capitalism, and then pulled the rug right out from under the status quo politicians who just kind of embrace the permanent political class," said Palin.
She added that Trump is able to speak common sense to issues that Americans can understand, calling his policies "Joe Six Pack, common sense solutions."
"But amazing how it is that he's connecting with the people, and what it is that we've been saying all along," declared Palin, "finally we have someone with the guts, who isn't bought by anyone, he doesn't belong to anyone. He's his own man. He's very independent. So I am very pleased that he is offering himself up in the name of service to our country."
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Palin said she is glad that all the current Republican field is running saying the party has a "deep bench" which to draw from for the nomination. By name, Palin praised two other candidates, Sen. Ted Cruz and Dr. Ben Carson, who are both vying for the party's nomination.

"Dr. Ben Carson is brilliant and he's going to be great in whatever role he plays in the service of this country," said Palin. She called Cruz "brilliant" and said she is like "a whole lot of other Americans" that are looking at or favoring the candidates who are "the least political." Palin emphasized that the top candidates are "those that aren't part of the political class who got us into the mess we are in and are going to fake it to get us out of that mess."
During the interview, Palin praised Trump for his stance on immigration saying that she believes he can get Mexico to pay for the wall along the border.
"The immigration plan of his, especially the wall, that's common sense," declared Palin.
"It's a real shot in the arm to constitutionalists and conservatives, who want America to be put first by our leaders, and really, it's a shot across the bow to the other candidates," added Palin, "because now they're going to have to explain why [we] can't build the wall, even though we've been saying it for years there in the political classes in D.C., we've been promising people a wall."
Palin said that the current political class in Washington now has to "explain why they can't support the policies Mr. Trump has come out with."
Palin praised Trump for stopping the practice of rewarding the undocumented immigrants who are coming to the United States and added Trump is sending the message that "America comes first."
She believes that while Democrats will use Trump's opposition to birth-right citizenship against the Republicans, Palin argued that Trump's policy is more family oriented.
"If they're here illegally, well, they need to get back in line, and because family is a unit, Greta, the family sticks together," declared Palin. "And the kids have to get in line with their mom and dad."
In the past, Palin has praised Trump for jumping into the 2016 presidential race and said in June, "Mr. Trump should know he's doing something right when the malcontents go ballistic in the press!"
She defended Trump after he criticized Sen. John McCain, saying he was "not a war hero." Palin instead called both Trump and McCain "heroes." Trump is on record saying he would be open to considering Sarah Palin serving within his administration if he is elected president.