3 prominent Republicans advocating for GOP to take softer stance on abortion

The Republican National Committee adopted a softened party platform on abortion that aligns with President Donald Trump’s position that the issue should be left to the states and the GOP should not pursue a national abortion ban.
The 2024 Republican convention platform committee voted 84 to 18 on Monday in favor of the proposed platform during a closed-door session. The proposed party platform, backed by Trump, softened the GOP’s language on abortion and same-sex marriage.
According to a copy of the document obtained by The Washington Post, the platform proposal states: "After 51 years, because of us, that power has been given to the states and to a vote of the people.” While the document clarifies that the GOP will oppose late-term abortion, the party will also advocate for policies that “advance prenatal care, access to birth control, and IVF (fertility treatments).”
The Republican Party’s 2024 platform has drawn criticism from some pro-life leaders and organizations.
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said in a statement on Monday that while the 2024 platform includes campaign priorities, it is not “a declaration of enduring principles for a political party.” Perkins, a member of the RNC Platform Committee from Louisiana, claimed that delegates were not given enough time to review the platform.
"Delegates were only given a few minutes of discussion before 'debate' was ended and a vote was taken,” the FRC president said. “Ironically, the document calls for a vigorous defense of free speech and the end of government censorship. Deprived of the opportunity to discuss amendments to the 'draft' platform document, we have submitted a minority report to supplement that campaign's platform.”
"The submission of a minority report is further evidence that the pro-life movement will continue to advance pro-life principles and policies at every level of government,” Perkins added. "The right to life transcends other political debates and the interests of any and all political parties and candidates. It is truly the right without which no other right has any meaning.”
Live Action Founder and President Lila Rose released a statement Monday that denounced abortion as “the intentional destruction of an innocent human life.” The pro-life leader called it a “devastating indictment” of our national values when neither political party supports federal protections for preborn children “targeted for death by the abortion industry.”
Rose cited the North Star, a plan supported by various pro-life groups that calls for equal protection for all under the 14th Amendment. The Live Action founder also emphasized that the 2024 platform would be the first time in decades the GOP platform did not include language calling for national abortion restrictions.
“While the new language is correct that the ‘14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied life or liberty without due process,’ it is wrong when it says that the ‘power’ to decide life or death ‘has been given to the states and to a vote of the people,’” Rose added. “When states discriminate against preborn children by denying the equal protection of their laws against homicide, they act unconstitutionally.”
As Trump campaigns on the promise that he will not sign a national abortion ban, several prominent Republican lawmakers appear to have also adopted a more subtle stance on abortion.
Here are three Republicans who have adopted a softer position on abortion:
Samantha Kamman is a reporter for The Christian Post. She can be reached at: samantha.kamman@christianpost.com. Follow her on Twitter: @Samantha_Kamman