Wolf Blitzer Atheist Interview: 'You're Blessed...Do You Thank the Lord?' (VIDEO, PHOTO)

Wolf Blitzer interviewed an atheist on Tuesday for CNN, however, things turned awkward as the anchor attempted to question the woman about how she survived the Oklahoma tornado which devastated the region this week.
The woman, Rebecca, fled her home with her 19 month old son, Anders, as the tornado approached. Her home was later flattened by the twister, leaving her shocked but thankful that she and her child had gotten out safely while they still could.
The interview seemed to be going along normally, but towards the end Blitzer asks Rebecca whether she "thanked the lord" for escaping the devastation with her life.
The CNN anchor said, "You're blessed. Brian your husband is blessed. Anders is blessed… I guess you got to thank the lord, right? … Do you thank the lord for that split-second decision?"
Rebecca responded to Blitzer that she was an atheist and so had not thanked the lord, however, she did add: "I don't blame anybody for thanking the lord."
It has now been reported that 24 people died in Monday's massive tornado that hit Oklahoma. Many of the dead have now been identified, and reports have commented how many residents are not returning to their devastated homes to survey the damage and recover any possessions they could.
On Wednesday it was confirmed by the Oklahoma City Medical Examiner's Office that some of the 24 killed were just babies and children.
As of Wednesday lunchtime the following victims' names have been released to the public:
Terri Long, 49 years old.
Megan Futrell, 29 years old.
Case Futrell, 4 months old.
Shannon Quick, 40 years old.
Sydnee Vargyas, 7 months old.
Karrina Vargyas, 4 years old.
Jenny Neely, 38 years old.
Antonia Canderaria, 9 years old.
Kyle Davis. 8 years old.
Jenae Hornsby, 9 years old.
Sydney Angle, 9 years old.
Emily Conatzer, 9 years old.
Nicolas McCabe, 9 years old.
Christopher Legg, 9 years old.
Cindy Plumley.
Deanna Ward.
Hemant Bhonde.
Tawuana Robinson.