Planned Parenthood makes a killing during the pandemic

“We are essential.” This is the bogus refrain we heard from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) throughout the height of the COVID pandemic. While businesses were forced to close all across the country, taxpayers were forced to fund a corrupt $2 billion abortion chain that stole $80 million in COVID relief funds that were meant for small businesses.
Profit. No matter what
Each year Planned Parenthood releases their annual report on a day and time to escape media scrutiny (which isn’t hard because the majority of mainstream media shills for Planned Parenthood). This year, PPFA released their latest annual report in a Friday news dump hidden beneath obsessive coverage of the British Monarchy and the passing of Queen Elizabeth. (Normally, the leftist-controlled media establishment daily berates us about our “privilege” but can’t get enough of royal privilege. But I digress.)
In 2020-2021, people lost businesses they spent their lives building. Planned Parenthood, however, was open and cashing in on COVID. In a pandemic where they provided 200,000 less breast cancer exams and Pap tests (combined) than the previous year, PPFA somehow managed to have plenty of time to kill more human beings than ever in their history: 383,460. The abortion giant violently ended 28,589 more human beings from July 2020 through June 2021 than the year before.
Their profits skyrocketed, too, from $69.7 million to $133.7 million. It’s amazing what happens when fear is your business model. Even though they served 260,000 fewer clients than the year prior, they managed to rake in the most taxpayer dollars ever: $633.4 million! Drastically fewer clients + drastically fewer medical services + stolen taxpayer dollars + more abortions = pay dirt.
Clearly, dismembering human beings is essential to their bottom line.
Abortion is fake health
No amount of tweets makes abortion “healthcare.” No number of rallies or protests turns violence into virtue. Politicians know Planned Parenthood isn’t a leading healthcare organization. PPFA is a political arm of the Democrat Party that recently announced it will spend $50 million in the midterms to elect more pro-abortion politicians. And we all know which side of the aisle that will be.
Planned Parenthood’s former president, Cecile Richards, proudly told The New York Times: “We aim to be the largest kick-butt political organization.” And that’s exactly what she transformed it into. Who benefits? Not women. PPFA won’t even mention “women.” Their website has been mostly purged of that offensive term. Their 2020-2021 annual report never mentions either gender (except in labels for “Well-Woman Exams” or “Women’s Health Services” on infographics). Otherwise, women don’t exist. “Mothers” and “fathers” aren’t mentioned at all for an alleged parenthood-based organization. So, all these years (fake) feminists were fighting for the right for women to be erased? PPFA is the ultimate pandering machine. Now, apparently, they cater to men who get pregnant — a scientific impossibility of course. I won’t be surprised, though, when a woke CDC (which regularly partners with PPFA) starts reporting on paternal births.
Still not equal
I don’t expect the Democrat Party to change its DNA. It’s always been the Party that doesn’t believe we’re all created equal. It stands with Planned Parenthood. The Republican Party is to blame, though, for failing to defund Planned Parenthood when they had the political control over and over again. I do praise the GOP for its pro-life platform and legislative efforts that have tirelessly worked to ban the injustice of abortion. (I must also thank the tiny remnant of pro-life Democrats, like Senator Katrina Jackson, who fight for Life.) Now, in a post-Roe America, the abortion federation is tragically stronger than ever. Corporate America is bowing to them. So-called “religious leaders” praise them as some kind of savior. Our nation’s radically pro-abortion teachers’ unions have united with them. The WNBA donates to them. And Hollywood and music celebrities help create tall tales for them.
Here for a reason
That’s the title of their new annual report. Of course, it has nothing to do with every individual being here for a reason. Planned Parenthood has eliminated millions of those who were meant to be. No. It’s Planned Parenthood’s assertion that they’re here for their declining patient base. PPFA claims in the document that they’re fighting for “health and race equity.” Perhaps stop being the leading killer of black lives.
In the intro of the report, they invoke the inimitable Fannie Lou Hamer (without attribute, of course) by tweaking one of her most famous quotes: “Nobody is free until everybody is free.” PPFA changed the words to: “None of us are free until all of us are free.” It seems like plagiarism, but what’s stealing when you kill for a living? They love quoting Hamer all the time. But Hamer never loved Planned Parenthood. She was a pro-life adoptive mama who denounced abortion. In her speech, “Is It Too Late,” delivered in the summer of 1971, Hamer minced no words: “The methods used to take human lives, such as abortion, the pill, the ring, et cetera, amounts to genocide. I believe that abortion is legal murder and the use of pills and rings to prevent God’s will is a great sin.” In the pretend world that is fake feminism, PPFA creates an ally out of an antagonist.
Hamer believed she was here for a reason. In her speech “Until I am Free, You Are Not Free” Either she said: “Now I was born 53 years ago to Mr. and Mrs. Townsend. And I am the 20th child. And so help me God, I respect my mother so much that they didn’t have them birth control pills because I probably wouldn’t be standing here today. So as I made that narrow escape to be here, I fight for the other kids too to give them a chance.”
There’s no chance for that with the nation’s largest abortion business. Planned Parenthood’s definitely here for a reason and that’s to make a killing.
Originally posted here.
Ryan Bomberger is the Chief Creative Officer and co-founder of The Radiance Foundation. He is happily married to his best friend, Bethany, who is the Executive Director of Radiance. They are adoptive parents with four awesome kiddos. Ryan is an Emmy Award-winning creative professional, factivist, international public speaker and author of NOT EQUAL: CIVIL RIGHTS GONE WRONG. He loves illuminating that every human life has purpose.