What’s next for evangelicals post-Trump

For the last four years, President Donald Trump has fulfilled his promises and delivered for the evangelical community like no other. From protecting the unborn and strengthening the military, to appointing faith-friendly Supreme Court Justices and moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, his legacy will be very favorable to the Bible-believing community.
However, it is important to understand that the evangelicals’ support of the president really was not about Trump, the man. It was about his God-affirming policies. It was Trump’s policies that unified Christians and made him the evangelical’s president. While we are grateful for his help, at the same time we did not approve of the offensive tweets, the stories of affairs, or the many other distractions that kept the news cycle buzzing for the last four years.
The fact is that President Trump fought for our cause like no other; it was the first time in many years that a president has embraced the Christian cause. Unfortunately, this is not something we expect in the foreseeable future under President Biden.
Based on his record of nearly half-a-century, President Biden is clearly not interested in the concerns of evangelicals. He is not pro-life, nor is he for strengthening families. He goes against Israel and also religious freedom at every opportunity. His record does not lie; he is beyond repair for the evangelical community to ever rally behind him.
So, what are we to do, now that Trump is leaving office and we have a new president who goes against our values?
The answer is simple: we evangelicals must do exactly what we have done for the last 2,000 years – and that is to continue following Jesus. This new day in America provides the church with an incredible opportunity. 2021 will be an awesome time to show love of God amidst all that is taking place in our nation. The church must continue to pray for our leaders and keep up the fight for our Christian principles, the unborn, our relationship with Israel, religious liberty and the sovereignty of our nation. Until Jesus returns for us, we must be busy going about our Father’s business and show the love and compassion that Jesus has commended us to give - no matter what government the church is under or who is leading that government.
America’s future is not expressly written anywhere in the Bible, but maybe God wants us to write it. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus and to continue to champion the unborn, to love and serve our neighbors.
And while we must always remember that the Messiah will never arrive on Air Force One, we need to look to 2024 with an eye towards finding the next president whose policies will be in line with our values.
Jack Hibbs is senior and founding pastor of Calvary Chapel in Chino, California, and also appears in the documentary, Trump 2024: The World After Trump