It's Not Christians Who Are #Antiscience
The following was originally published by

I woke up a week or so ago to the most anti-science news from the most educated class in America, and I'm shocked! And shook! Let me explain.
As long as I can remember, I've been labeled "anti-science" because I'm a Bible-believing Christian.
Which means I'm a flat-earth backward-thinking caveman who keeps his wife (who may or may not be his first cousin) barefoot and pregnant, clings to his guns and religion (guilty), has wooden teeth (cannot confirm or deny) and is ignorant for believing all of those fairytales in the Bible.
But the day has come where there is proof that I'm "more sciencey" (technical term) than ALL of the atheistic/pagan left.
Five examples of the anti-science popular culture:
#1. A Pew Research poll (link) revealed that 77 percent of Democrats with a four-year degree think sex is NOT determined at birth.
I've always thought of the Republicans the "stupid party" because they get into power and then act like they're in the minority.
My Grandmother Ruzicka had this picture hanging in her bar. Very little education, running a country bar, yet a colossal intellect when compared to the college-educated mind of the George Jetson era! But apparently, 77 percent of college-educated Democrats look at a newborn, and see the baby's parts, and are flummoxed and dumbfounded! "Hey, Vern! I can't tell if that's a boy or girl! Can you?!?!"
#2. Bodybuilders should NOT pump themselves full of hormones. Danger Will Robinson! Danger! But it's fabulous "science" to give hormones and hormone blockers to children who have a mental disorder known as gender dysphoria (80 percent of who will outgrow it), knowing full well that this treatment will change and damage their bodies forever. And all because a kid who likes hot dogs one day and pb&j's the next "feels" like the opposite sex and says so.
#3. Global Cooling, Warming, or is it Changing? Not sure – just give us your money! And TRUST us!
1970s: The Ice Age is coming! We're all going to freeze!
1988: Oops! My bad – I meant global WARMING...not cooling. In fact, famous warming Prof. James Hansen predicts by 2018 Manhatten will be under water and the Arctic will be entirely ice-free. And today he says he's not wrong, his timing is just a little off. Like by 50 or 100 years.
2009: Al Gore makes a boatload of coin saying the Arctic polar ice cap would melt by 2014.
Today: Oops! Wrong again! Temperatures have NOT risen as predicted. Lots of reports of manipulated data -so let's say Climate Change! The climate – this is shocking I know – it changes (say this with a lot of drama). We need to spend money! Your money! And limit your lifestyle! Trust me!
My local weatherman can't get the weather right tomorrow, "science" has a track record in the area of climate cooling/warming/change predictions...ALL WRONG!
Climate Science Motto: Often wrong, never unsure.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me every year for 40 years? Shame on me!
4. White man identifies to be Filipina woman. And is applauded by leftist Cathy Areu. She says, It's "beautiful," "wonderful" and this is what is great about America.
No. It's sad and a sign of mental illness. Just as sure as if I said I'm George Washington or Jesus.
5. Evolution
It's "settled science" that species evolved into new and different species who evolved into new and different species.
Number of fossils found? Millions.
Number of fossils showing transition from one species to another?
Millions of examples. Some estimate billions of fossils have been found. And yet not ONE example of the transition to a different species. That's like, "I have a gold bar I'll give you but give me a five thousand dollars first. BUT...I can't show it to you!"
I'm not giving you money until you show me the gold brick! I'm not believing your evolutionary fairytale UNTIL YOU SHOW ME THE FOSSIL RECORD. And I'm not anti-science, and I'm not buying what you're selling.
Each of the items above has been declared "settled" by some "scientist." And celebrated/promoted/legitimized by the witch doctors of the left.
Let me be clear. I'm NOT anti-science. I AM anti-ignorance. I am anti-dystopian future claims to fund Al Gore's empire or National Geographic's endeavors to fund itself as a pure champion of the environment and changing children's gender (link).
Christianity requires less faith than much of what passes as science in popular culture today. It's based on a book that names geographic locations, historic events, and historical figures...and it's accurate. No historical document has contradicted what has been found in the pages of the Bible. And Christianity is based on the testimony of millions throughout history.
But Christianity differs from the popular "Bill-Nye-the-not-an-actual-science-guy" culture in this:
Christianity never declares itself "science" while acting antiscience.
In a world where faith and science and the cult-like following of ideas that sound scientific, grab a Bible and begin to read, and find some folks who believe it, and ask them about their lives and hearts and their relationship with their creator. It could lead you, not to settled science, but a settled heart.
Amen. Amen.