The Left’s blueprint for power: Lessons Christians must learn

You’ve got to hand it to the left — they’ve mastered the concept of a “worldview” better than most Christians. A worldview is simply the lens through which we see and engage with the world. For Christians, that lens is the Bible, meant to guide how we live, relate to God, and represent Him in creation. In theory, it’s an integrated system of thought that unites Christ’s Church toward a shared purpose. “Worldview” is just shorthand for that.
But here’s the thing: the left doesn’t just have a worldview of their own — they know how to harness it to their advantage. Unlike many Christians, progressives don’t just talk about their worldview; they wield it like a battering ram, forging alliances that often appear contradictory or downright absurd.
Take the ridiculous spectacle of LGBT agitators marching with “Queers for Palestine” signs. Now, in much of the Middle East, being “queer” is treated as a crime punishable by a rooftop toss. Yet, these activists are out there, waving their banners for regimes that would gladly hurl them into the afterlife. It’s tempting to chalk it up to braindead hypocrisy, and yes, that’s part of it.
But it’s also something more: a strategic pact. This is an axis of Western civilization’s enemies teaming up to destroy their collective target — objective truth, gender distinctions, strong families, limited government, meritocracy, and equality under the law. The left’s rallying cry is clear: dismantle the West, especially its biblical foundations. And if that means forming partnerships that defy logic, so be it.
Nowhere is this destructive alliance more apparent than in public education, where children are the biggest casualties. Take Chicago, for instance. Fewer than 30% of public school students are proficient in math or English, despite the city shelling out a staggering $30,000 per student annually.
So, how did Chicago’s teachers’ union respond to this disaster? By demanding a pay raise, naturally. And not just that — they also pushed for a laundry list of leftist pet projects, including rent control, carbon neutrality schemes, free abortions, stipends for student “asylum seekers,” pronoun accommodations, and LGBT protocols that allow schools to transition kids behind their parents’ backs.
None of this has anything to do with educating children. And that’s the point. The left isn’t interested in competence — they’re fixated on power. They know that coalition-building is the quickest way to dominate every institution shaping American life.
What ties it all together? A relentless obsession to impose their progressive vision on everyone else.
Even the medical field isn’t immune. Once-respected professional organizations have become mouthpieces for the latest woke craze. According to The Daily Signal, 26 out of 28 major medical societies have taken formal stances on everything from racial preferences to climate change to racism to the war between Hamas and Israel.
The American College of Surgeons? They decided “police brutality against people of color” is one of their top priorities, claiming “structural racism” — not poor lifestyle choices — drives chronic health ailments.
The American Academy of Pediatrics? They threw a tantrum over the Supreme Court gutting affirmative action, insisting the decision would worsen racial disparities in medicine.
The American Society of Anesthesiologists joined the fray, offering advice on reducing the “carbon footprint from inhaled anesthesia.”
The American College of Physicians didn’t want to be left out either, affirming “the need to achieve environmental justice so that everyone can live, work, learn, and play in a safe, healthy environment.”
And let’s not forget the American Society for Clinical Pathology, which declared racism a “health issue.” Because nothing screams “science” like turning disease into a political prop.
Dr. Stanley Goldfarb of Do No Harm, a group fighting leftist encroachment in the healthcare industry, nailed it when he called this bias a “betrayal of public trust” and an insult to “dues-paying members” who expect “institutional neutrality” on blatantly political topics. He’s right. Medical associations should focus on helping patients, not genuflecting to the gods of progressive dogma.
But here’s the kicker: The left doesn’t care. They’re not in the business of neutrality — they’re in the business of winning. They understand the stakes of the cultural war far better than most Christians do, and they’re willing to insert agendas in places where politics shouldn’t exist.
Where does that leave us?
For starters, it’s time to stop wringing our hands over the left’s tactics and borrow a page from their playbook. Christians should unapologetically build networks to advance laws and traditions that align with a biblical worldview. That doesn’t mean compromising our principles — it means finding common ground with allies who share our values in key areas.
Look at Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy. Neither are Christians, but both are spearheading causes that Christians should rally behind: defending free speech from government overreach and dismantling the administrative state.
If successful, these efforts would give Christians the breathing room to live out the Gospel without bureaucratic overlords or censorship fanatics standing in the way. These are fights worth joining.
Politics is, and always has been, about coalitions. The left understands this instinctively. And the Bible itself shows how coalitions can serve God’s purposes. For example, Nehemiah partnered with King Artaxerxes to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls (Nehemiah 2:1-8), Cyrus the Great enabled the Jews to return and repair the temple (Ezra 1:1-4), and Rahab, a Canaanite prostitute, joined forces with Israelite spies to secure victory in Jericho (Joshua 2:1-21) — all unlikely alliances that advanced God’s plan.
Today, however, Christians often get stuck in unproductive infighting or retreat into spiritual navel-gazing while the world burns around us.
That has to change. We cannot sit on the sidelines.
If the left can unite to destroy, Christians can unite to restore. It’s time to stop just talking about worldviews and start wielding them.
Originally published at the Standing for Freedom Center.