Trump’s indictment:The latest reminder the Left doesn’t care about justice

“The weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head. It is un-American,” tweeted Governor Ron DeSantis recently in response to the news of Trump’s indictment. While the governor is correct, the weaponization isn’t just un-American, it’s also unbiblical.
The writer of Proverbs reminds us, “Differing weights and differing measures — the Lord detests them both.” But this ancient wisdom didn’t stop Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg from resurrecting a case against President Donald Trump despite federal prosecutors at the Justice Department refusing to present charges after reviewing the evidence themselves.
From his early campaign days, it was obvious Bragg was bent on prosecuting Trump and even included “indict Trump” as one of his primary campaign promises. Evidence Bragg is motivated by political agenda, rather than justice, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office released a “Day 1 Memo - FACT SHEET” at the start of this year. This memo detailed policy changes, including that his office will no longer prosecute “minor offenses” ... such as “marijuana possession, fare evasion, some trespass cases, driving with 1 or 2 license suspensions, noncriminal offenses such as traffic infractions, resisting arrest for any non-criminal offense, prostitution, and obstructing governmental administration.”
Quickly becoming the poster child for the radical left’s distorted system of justice, Bragg’s actions remind us how the woke Left in America interminably show themselves to be the party of “rules for thee, but not for me.” They create two sets of policies, one for the people (especially their political adversaries) and one for them and will stop at nothing to ensure their point of view becomes law of the land. They will prosecute political opponents, despite what appears to be a monumental lack of evidence, and simultaneously ignore the crimes of individuals caught trespassing, shoplifting or committing illegal sex acts. This is antithetical to not only our legal system, but also the biblical definition of justice.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi even said the quiet, not-so-secret part out loud. “No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former president will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right,” she said audaciously of Trump when the allegations first came to light. With over 35 years in national politics, Pelosi knows full well that the American system of justice is based upon “innocent until proven guilty.” But with Trump, and other ideological opponents, the Left’s inner Bolshevik comes out and they can’t help but expose their readiness to prosecute anyone who stands in the way of their political agenda.
Leviticus 19:15 states, “You shall do no injustice in court. You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor.” Woke politicians, like Bragg and Pelosi, are far from possessing a definition of justice that is free from partiality and judgments based on political party, gender, race, and socioeconomic markers. While Trump’s indictment is the most current example of political partiality, the last several years have provided no shortage of examples, such as:
- Different requirements for patrons based upon vaccination status.
- Progressives claim to champion women’s rights, while applauding biological males (transgender women) from competing in female sports.
- Lowering demands of academic performance for students based upon race or skin color.
- Failure to prosecute rioters, looters, and illegal migrants in the name of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
The reason why the Left can’t operate in justice, despite their best efforts, is because they reject the foundational biblical premise of true justice: “For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; it is he who will save us.” Because the Left rejects God as the author of justice, they take matters into their own hands, persecuting and prosecuting everyone who resists their rule – no matter if evidence exists or not. If they’ll do this to Donald Trump, then they’ll do it to California pastors, Colorado bakers, female collegiate swimmers … and, yes, even you.
However, it’s important for those rightly infuriated by the corruption of our political system to not be baited into a reactionary response. Civilian obstruction and out-of-control demonstrations are counterproductive to true justice and only deliver to the Left what they want. As Christians, our part is to “overcome evil with good,” and we do this by practically demonstrating the reconciliatory aspects of the cross in every dark corner of society. This grants us a working theology capable of offering to everyone, regardless of their place in life, a pervasive and complete framework for justice — a framework that rightly addresses evil and uplifts the good. Only by doing the hard work of reclaiming godly principles back into our legal system will kangaroo courts be demolished and any resemblance of justice be restored.
It’s blatantly obvious to all but the Left: their attempts to fight injustice are actually creating ‘further injustice. The elites likely understand this and are intentionally driving a wedge between the support walls of Western democracy. The Woke social justice foot soldiers are just as likely clueless to the greater evil and societal repercussions their crusade will create. Both the leftist elite and foot soldiers will accuse the 55% of Americans concerned about the indictment of blind allegiance or idolization of the former President. But that is a failure to see the American people’s true concern: a deterioration of justice, a rejection of godly principles, and the weaponization of the judicial system against political opponents. As a result, Bragg has unintentionally made Trump a symbol rather than a scapegoat.
Lucas Miles is the host of The Lucas Miles Show and the author of the new book, The Christian Left: How Liberal Thought Has Hijacked the Church (Broadstreet Publishing, 2021). Follow Lucas on Twitter at @LucasMiles.