What newly unsealed videos of Planned Parenthood reveal

Newly released footage from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) shows what happens at Planned Parenthood behind closed doors. These videos took me back to 2015.
At the time, I had been serving the vulnerable through my local church for years. I ministered to sex trafficking victims in jails and on the streets. I taught Vacation Bible School to children in the worst part of town. I thought Christians should stop harping on and on about abortion — in my mind, an unchangeable facet of our society — and instead care for those with desperate needs right in front of us.
That all changed in 2015 when I saw a series of undercover videos produced by CMP’s David Daleiden that revealed Planned Parenthood’s alleged trafficking of fetal organs.
I cringed as I watched an abortionist eating a salad as she described her grotesque method of “crushing” babies to kill them yet preserve specific organs. I could hardly sleep after seeing an aborted baby’s arm, leg, intestines, and other remains being picked apart and examined in one of their Texas clinics.
Daleiden unveiled the gruesome reality of abortion for me. Thanks to him, I stopped viewing it from an apathetic lens as one issue among many; rather, I understood it as an atrocity in which real human beings are slaughtered. This revelation has led me to almost a decade of serving in pro-life ministry.
Flash forward to today, and more undercover videos from CMP have been unsealed after eight years. The footage shows Planned Parenthood officials discussing the “financial incentives” of organ harvesting and includes graphic descriptions of late-term abortions.
In one video, the CMP investigator poses as a laboratory wholesaler as he talks with two Planned Parenthood leaders. They discuss which organs are most profitable, with the abortion provider flippantly exclaiming how “every time I do a D&E (dilation and evacuation abortion), I’m like ‘Oh there’s some lungs, there’s some kidneys!’”
In another video, she describes how she may “ask for a second set of forceps to hold the body at the cervix and pull off a leg or two so it’s not PBA (partial birth abortion).” She brags that she can preserve livers and hearts during an abortion and get them to the wholesaler “without too much difficulty at all.”
The other Planned Parenthood employee talks about a baby whose body was dismembered during an abortion and how other times the bodies come out more intact with “only like an arm that’s disarticulated.” She later laughs as she admits that if people heard her talk, they would think she’s “f***ing evil.”
For eight years, these damning videos have been sealed and hidden from the public — thanks in large part to Vice President Kamala Harris. As Attorney General of California, she colluded with Planned Parenthood to raid Daleiden’s home and seize his footage, all to cover up the abortion industry’s abuse and alleged illegal activities.
Harris has spent years selling abortion to the public as a good that benefits women and society. When we watch the mainstream news, we see clips of her as the first sitting Vice President to visit an abortion clinic, walking through Planned Parenthood’s clean hallways in her sharp tailored suit. We hear her promoting “women’s health” and “reproductive freedom.”
But these PR moves and sloganeering mask the truth about abortion. We don’t see the ugly reality of it.
It’s no wonder Harris and Planned Parenthood wanted CMP’s videos hidden. They show the humanity of preborn babies, the violence done against them, and the depravity of their executioners.
Planned Parenthood has long argued that Daleiden heavily edited these videos and that abortion officials were merely discussing the legal, not-for-profit donation of fetal tissue for research. But the full versions of these conversations reveal the same thing as the clips — that Planned Parenthood has a callous disregard for human life. They eat and laugh as they discuss the ways they kill, dismember, and profit off dead children.
I know from experience that it’s easy to overlook babies in the womb, inadvertently viewing them as lesser than the people outside of it. We don’t see their faces or witness their painful deaths.
But Daleiden has courageously lifted the curtain to show the truth about abortion. My prayer is that more eyes will be opened to see it.
Amanda Sherzer is a wife, mother of three young children, and writer in Dallas, Texas. She is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and a former staffer for President and Mrs. George W. Bush and Mrs. Barbara Bush. Twitter: @amanda_sherzer