Why the Church should reject Replacement Theology

Replacement Theology is a growing movement within the Church. While it used to be taught in only certain denominations, it's now becoming more widespread. This is primarily because of the brutal attack on Israel on October 7, 2023. It forced people to voice their views on Israel and the Church in unexpected ways.
The default reaction of many within the Church is to ignore this topic altogether. But if the Church has learned anything from hot topic debates, when they’re ignored for too long, it gets worse.
The sad reality is that hatred of Jewish people is the unfortunate result of Replacement Theology. Many in this camp claim that the current nation of Israel is just like another pagan nation. They are not God’s chosen people. Why? Because they think that the Church has replaced Israel. Replacement Theology also ignores Scripture verses that clearly outline God’s plan to restore and save Israel. Amerian author, Bible teacher and engineer Chuck Missler defines it perfectly in his book Israel and the Church: The Prodigal Heirs: “It denies Israel's place in God's redemptive program, even though God himself has spelled it out in both the Old and New Testaments”.
Israel is Israel and the Church is the Church. The Bible clearly makes a distinction between the two groups. When we measure the beliefs of Replacement Theology with the Bible they do not complement one another. In fact, the two are in opposition like two opposing worldviews. Romans 11:26 says, “all Israel will be saved.”
So, why are Christians saying that Israel won't be saved when the Bible says it will? Sadly, many will read Romans 1-10 and stop there and claim that God has divorced Israel for good.
Romans 11:16-24 says that the Church has been grafted in and should not boast against the other branches lest it be broken off. The olive tree is tied to God's promises and these verses call the Church a “wild olive shoot.” In fact, the whole Bible is centered on Israel. God chose them as His instrument by which the entirety of the human race will receive salvation!
Further, the Old Testament makes specific and everlasting promises to Israel that only make sense in a Jewish context. By saying that God has nullified His promises to Israel we must realize that with that interpretation God could turn around and do the same thing to the Church. But that's not what the Bible teaches us. God was clear when He made promises, and He always follows through on His promises. We see that in Genesis 13:15, Deuteronomy 28:1-14, and Ezekiel 34 and 37. God also did not mince words in Zechariah 2:8, “For thus said the Lord of hosts, after his glory sent me to the nations who plundered you, for he who touches you touches the apple of his eye.” He's not referring to the Church in these verses either.
Additionally, the Bible refers to the nation of Israel being regathered which will be the last generation (Matthew 24) and that it will be reformed in one day (Isaiah 11:12). These prophecies were partially fulfilled when Israel became a nation again on May 14, 1948. These are just a few of the biblical prophecies that we are seeing happening or starting to form right now. To think that the current nation of Israel that the Bible talks about is the Church or that God doesn't have plans for Israel completely misses the mark. The Bible has told us that God has plans to restore and save Israel, not replace her altogether!
Perhaps we should not be surprised at the rise of Jew-hatred as the Bible says it will happen. However, the Church shouldn't be the one leading the way in hatred of the Jews and rejecting God's plan for Israel.
Scripture tells us that God has a future plan to redeem and restore Israel. Let's trust in God that it will happen as it is written, regardless of what social media influencers say.
Sarah Malcangi is a Christian writer at DiscoveringTruth.org where she writes about Israel and Christian Apologetics issues. She also shares news from the Middle East and news relevant to the bible on X.