Rachel Alexander

Rachel Alexander

CP Op-Ed Contributor


  • Corruption in Politics Lands Innocent Man Behind Bars

    Corruption in Politics Lands Innocent Man Behind Bars

    A federal judge is considering new evidence that prosecutorial wrongdoing took place during the criminal prosecution of former Congressman Rick Renzi.

  • Coach Kennedy Defies Bullies, Resumes Praying After Football Games

    Coach Kennedy Defies Bullies, Resumes Praying After Football Games

    Last Friday night, with the law on his side, coach Joe Kennedy resumed his prayer after the game on the 50-yard line, to the cheers of hundreds who showed up to support him — including the opposing team, which surprised him by joining him for the prayer.

  • Why Conservatives Elected to Congress Turn Into Moderates

    Why Conservatives Elected to Congress Turn Into Moderates

    A member of Congress estimated to me that out of 84-86 new GOP members who swept the House in the GOP takeover of 2010, there are only about only four to five left who remain conservative.

  • High School Coach Bullied Into Dropping Prayer at Football Games

    High School Coach Bullied Into Dropping Prayer at Football Games

    Political correctness has invaded my alma mater. I was disappointed to receive an email from our hometown pastor last week, informing me that the assistant football coach at my high school alma mater in Washington state was being investigated for praying with his team. My late brother played football on that team. How could the school have strayed so far off?

  • An Insider's Look Behind the Mainstream Media's Crumbling Facade of Power

    An Insider's Look Behind the Mainstream Media's Crumbling Facade of Power

    For years — until the advent of talk radio, Fox News and social media — the left-leaning mainstream media held a stranglehold over the coverage of news and politics.

  • Bombshell: New Evidence Reveals Justice Department Targets Republicans, Abuses Power

    Bombshell: New Evidence Reveals Justice Department Targets Republicans, Abuses Power

    Prosecutors in the U.S. Department of Justice are finally being called out for singling out Republican politicians and others they dislike.

  • Straight Talk From Bernie Sanders

    Straight Talk From Bernie Sanders

    Merci beaucoup (that means thanks very much in French - always have to throw in a reminder of my favorite country) for biking, walking, taking public transportation, electric or hybrid vehicles, carpooling or however else you made it here. I want to to talk about the most serious problem facing our country right now. Fast food workers are unable to make a living on $15 an hour. These workers shouldn't have to get second jobs or cut down on their spending habits. Everyone is entitled to an iPhone

  • No One Serves Jail Time for Smoking Pot

    No One Serves Jail Time for Smoking Pot

    A currently hip cause is to rail against sentencing pot smokers to jail time. It sounds good considering alcohol is legal, smoking pot is not considered harmful to others, and our jails are already overcrowded, straining taxpayers' wallets. The only problem is there isn't a shred of truth to it.

  • Taking Down Left-Leaning Judges

    Taking Down Left-Leaning Judges

    Who has the most power in the country over political issues? Everyone focuses on the president and Congress when they talk about reforming the system and taking control back from the left, but they overlook the real powerbroker.

  • Netroots Nation's Group Identity Politics Disintegrates Into Anarchy

    Netroots Nation's Group Identity Politics Disintegrates Into Anarchy

    For years, the right has been frustrated by the left's ability to unite various interest groups successfully as a force. The right hasn't had as much success, with factions calling each other RINOs and lecturing about Reagan's 11th Commandment. Now, it looks like the left's ability to work together is finally unraveling.