Rachel Alexander
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Trump's Opposition: Nitpick, Distort, Exaggerate, Omit and Lie
Since the left and complicit journalists in the mainstream media cannot defeat President Donald Trump on the issues or legitimate grounds such as dishonesty, they have resorted to a superficial collection of tactics.
Former Prosecutor and Sheriff Arpaio Attorney: Trump Was Perfectly in His Right to Pardon Him
Many are criticizing President Trump for pardoning former Maricopa County Sheriff Arpaio. He used to be the most popular sheriff in the country, and until just a few years ago, no one had a problem with him arresting illegal immigrants.
It's Overdue for the Right to Turn the Left's Tactics Around on Them
Now that we know the secret strategy the left is using against us, what do we do about it? Instead of sitting back and taking the abuse, conservatives should box the left in right back.
The Legal System: The Left's Ace in the Hole to Trump the Trump Card
The left has figured out when all else fails, use the legal system to oust conservative political leaders. Even if the left can't ultimately win in court against Trump, they can drag out legal proceedings for years to tarnish his reputation.
Charlottesville: Fueling Race Riots One of the Left's Cleverest Tactics
The left has figured out several methods that successfully work to divide the left and the right. One of their cleverest ways is stirring up race wars, because it has the extra benefit of making the right look bad.
Criminal Justice Reform Bill a Mixed Bag
U.S. Rep. Doug Collins, (R-Ga.), has introduced a criminal justice reform bill in Congress modeled after similar legislation that was implemented in Georgia. Republicans and Democrats are gushing over the bipartisan support for the bill.
Conservatives Don't Want to Return to the 1950s
A popular argument the left uses to attack conservatives is accusing them of wanting to return the country to the way things were in the 1950s. This is a clever, subtle tactic meant to set up an artificial debate based on the left's narrow premises.
The Genius of Trump's Tweets
President Donald Trump frequently comes under criticism for tweeting, even from his own advisers. But tweeting is probably the smartest thing he has done as president.
Christian Women Who Overcame Hurdles to Become Leaders in Canada (Book Review)
Canadian attorney Georgialee Lang has edited a book containing the stories of eight of Canada's most prominent Christian women leaders.
'101 Things All Young Adults Should Know' (Book Review)
It's packed full of useful advice, the kinds of things you figure out 10 to 20 years later that you wish you would have known a lot younger in life.