Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

Christian Post Contributor


  • What do you fill your heart and mind with?

    What do you fill your heart and mind with?

    What have you been hiding in your heart? God’s Word, or sinful thoughts you would be ashamed to admit to others?  

  • Donald Trump’s behavior handed America Joe Biden’s policies

    Donald Trump’s behavior handed America Joe Biden’s policies

    But at the end of the day, the devil didn’t make Donald Trump sabotage his own campaign. The prince of demons simply gave him enough rope to hang himself. 

  • Looking into your soul at the cross

    Looking into your soul at the cross

    When you look at yourself in the mirror, remember the most important part of you is invisible. Your soul is immortal. It is the real you. So what do you see when you look into your soul at the cross?

  •  The danger in assuming Jesus Christ sinned

    The danger in assuming Jesus Christ sinned

    God invites you to believe in the Jesus of Scripture. Will you accept God’s invitation and believe what the Bible says about Jesus Christ? Will you trust the sinless Savior to wash away your sins?

  • Does the blood of Jesus burn demons?

    Does the blood of Jesus burn demons?

    When a Christian persists in deliberate sin, it opens a door in the spiritual realm through which demons then oppress the child of God.

  • The Kennedy Space Center and the leap of faith

    The Kennedy Space Center and the leap of faith

    A proven way to obliterate one's moral resistance to God is to approach the Savior with this heartfelt request: “Forgive my sins dear Lord. Wash me Jesus with your precious blood.”

  • Jordan Peterson ponders the Bible and consciousness after death

    Jordan Peterson ponders the Bible and consciousness after death

    You first place your faith in Christ as your Savior from sin, and then God begins to give you the assurance that your sins are forgiven and Heaven is your eternal home. None of us would have a clue about Heaven or Hell apart from God revealing the truth to us in His Word. 

  • Parents: Immerse your young children in the Gospel

    Parents: Immerse your young children in the Gospel

    When parents immerse their children in the Gospel, young hearts and minds are shaped for a lifetime of Christian discipleship. Thankfully, young children are capable of understanding and believing the Gospel.

  • Artificial intelligence pales in comparison to your soul

    Artificial intelligence pales in comparison to your soul

    AI is just that...artificial. Your soul, on the other hand, is genuine. You are one of a kind, and there is nothing about your free will that is artificial. You get to choose where to live, who to love, and how to spend your time and energy. You are not a machine or a robot, but a living human being.

  • Discovering your blind spots through divine intervention

    Discovering your blind spots through divine intervention

    How good are you at listening to advice? Do you hunger for wise counsel, or do you avoid constructive correction at any cost? Are you too proud to be corrected and critiqued?