Dan Delzell
The Mark of the Beast on earth and forehead tattoos in Heaven: literal or symbolic?
Four consecutive verses in the Book of Revelation describe unbelievers on Earth having the mark of the beast on their right hand or forehead, and believers in Heaven having God's name tattooed on their forehead. So, are these verses to be interpreted literally or symbolically?
Historian Tom Holland views Christianity through a secular lens
Being born again involves more than simply swimming in Christian waters.
The despicable habit of taking the Lord’s name in vain
People misuse God’s name when they flippantly say, “Oh my God.” The Lord’s name is holy and should never be used in such a casual manner.
How can you be loved yet also under God's wrath?
Wait a minute. How can an unbeliever be loved by God, yet at the same time be under God’s wrath?
The unwavering goodness and faithfulness of God
“The very first temptation in the history of mankind was the temptation to be discontent … that is exactly what discontentment is — a questioning of the goodness of God.”
Who prays for you and your church?
With that in mind, who is praying for you on a daily basis? And who are you praying for every day?
Will your death be precious to God?
When your body expires, your soul will either be welcomed into Heaven or dragged away to Hell. There is not a third option.
Who do you see when you attend church?
You have probably heard the saying: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” It is so true!
How Martin Luther and Moses failed anger management 101
The avoidable offenses in the lives of Martin Luther and Moses can serve as a cautionary tale to each of us whenever we get upset at the actions of others.
Why you should run to Christ’s empty tomb
If I were you, I wouldn’t just walk to the tomb. I would immediately start running to Christ’s empty tomb!