Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

Christian Post Contributor


  • When a Friendship With God Becomes Natural

    When a Friendship With God Becomes Natural

    It's not natural to know God as your friend. It just isn't. That is, until you enter a supernatural relationship with your Creator. Only then does it feel "natural" to talk to God as a friend.

  • When Your Jewish Family Member Meets Yeshua

    When Your Jewish Family Member Meets Yeshua

    People generally don't expect to have someone in their family start down a new spiritual path. And so it's only natural for Jews to become fearful when a loved one becomes a follower of Yeshua (Jesus Christ).

  • Why Every Christian Can Affirm Eternal Security

    Why Every Christian Can Affirm Eternal Security

    Some churches teach that a believer can lose his salvation, while other churches teach that such a thing is impossible. So who is correct?

  • Would the Pope Choose the Middle Chair?

    Would the Pope Choose the Middle Chair?

    In an article I wrote last week entitled, "Three Chairs at the Gate of Heaven," I laid out how a person can be assured of entering heaven when he dies. I encourage you to read it and see if you think it's what the pope believes. The Gospel message is the foundation of the Christian faith. And it's a message which all people, including Catholics, need to hear.

  • America's Freedom Stems From Christians Loving Jehovah

    America's Freedom Stems From Christians Loving Jehovah

    The history of America is an open book. It's a history of reliance upon Jehovah, the One true God. That's not to say America has a perfect record by any stretch. But in spite of some blemishes, America remains a free country today. Why? Because of Christians who love Jehovah.

  • Nicolas Cage Prefers Channeling Energy Over Acting

    Nicolas Cage Prefers Channeling Energy Over Acting

    Nicolas Cage doesn't like to act. He would rather become the character than pretend he is the character. And Nic has discovered the craft of channeling energy as a means to reach for that goal.

  • Three Chairs at the Gate of Heaven

    Three Chairs at the Gate of Heaven

    What I am about to share with you could literally lead to the salvation of your soul. And that in turn could lead to others in your family being saved after you tell them about the three chairs. It's an incredibly simple concept. The good news of the Gospel is easy enough for a child to grasp.

  • Who's the Most Selfish: Liberals or Conservatives?

    Who's the Most Selfish: Liberals or Conservatives?

    Enter conservatives and liberals. They approach issues very differently, and yet with a common deficiency. Liberals and conservatives are not by nature loving toward those outside their group. They tend to view one another as the enemy. In fact, they see them as a big part of the world's problems.

  • Can You Say You Are Without Sin?

    Can You Say You Are Without Sin?

    Have you been able to pull off what no other human being, except One, has ever accomplished? Have you crossed every "t" and dotted every "i" in the realm of your soul? No sinful thoughts or words, ever. Absolute obedience to God's commands. And perfect faith in every situation.

  • What If Jesus Came to Your Home?

    What If Jesus Came to Your Home?

    You hear a knock on your door. You go to see who it is only to discover the Lord Jesus Christ standing there. Would you open the door? Would you let Him in? Or would you pretend you're not home? (as if the Lord didn't know better)