Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

Christian Post Contributor


  • 20 Spiritual Signs That Eternal Life in Paradise Is Free

    20 Spiritual Signs That Eternal Life in Paradise Is Free

    There is no way eternal life in paradise could be free, could it? After all, nothing is free. And besides, if it's too good to be true, there has got to be a catch, right?

  • Did God Cause Adam and Eve's Sin?

    Did God Cause Adam and Eve's Sin?

    Apart from Scripture, there is no reason to believe Adam and Eve actually existed. Thankfully, God chose to tell us about the first man and woman He created. And He didn't stop there. God supernaturally delivered a record of human history in His "love letter" to His children. The Bible reveals many things to us we would never have known about God and His dealings with man.

  • How Scripture Transcends the 'Gay Gene' Hypothesis

    How Scripture Transcends the 'Gay Gene' Hypothesis

    The Bible does not pick on certain sinners, while giving everyone else a pass. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) While the world attempts to figure out what causes bisexuality and homosexuality, Scripture explains where such desires originate. There will never be agreement on this issue between those who believe Scripture is the highest authority, and those who believe that man's educated guesses are the highest authority.

  • The Clothing You Need to Enter Heaven

    The Clothing You Need to Enter Heaven

    Ever since the first two people walked on earth, man has sought to clothe his body. In the case of Adam and Eve, it was only after they sinned that they felt this need for clothing. "Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves." (Genesis 3:7) Prior to their sin, Adam and Eve felt no shame over their physical nakedness.

  • Descriptive Terms in Scripture Carry Theological Weight

    Descriptive Terms in Scripture Carry Theological Weight

    Herbert Spencer said, "How often misused words generate misleading thoughts." This is especially true when attempting to explain what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. The terms which Scripture uses to describe believers say a lot about our new identity, our new life, and our new priorities.

  • The Source and the Solution for Guilt

    The Source and the Solution for Guilt

    Feeling guilty at times is part of life. Unless of course your conscience is seared. The feelings of guilt are a natural byproduct of bad behavior. After all, that's the way God made us.

  • An American Credo: 'I Know My Truth'

    An American Credo: 'I Know My Truth'

    In the movie, "Couples Retreat," four couples who are all friends travel to a tropical island resort in order to strengthen their marriages. During a therapy session with his wife, Dave (Vince Vaughn) gets a little defensive and tells their personal counselor, "I know my truth." Interesting, those four words pretty well sum up the dominant mindset in America over the past 50 years.

  • What Would Jesus Say About Your Spirituality?

    What Would Jesus Say About Your Spirituality?

    Perhaps you are someone who says, "I am spiritual, but not religious." OK. What else? What are the core doctrines and principles of your spirituality? And most importantly, what would Jesus say about your spirituality?

  • When Sinful Desires War Against Your Soul

    When Sinful Desires War Against Your Soul

    Everyone is a stranger in one of two ways. You are either a stranger to God, or a "stranger in the world." But you can't be both.

  • 7 Satanic Strategies to Distract From Christianity

    7 Satanic Strategies to Distract From Christianity

    Pretend for a moment that you believe both God and Satan are real beings. And that God is omnipresent, while Satan is a fallen angel who can only be in one place at one time. God of course being the Creator, and Satan being the created being.