Janet Parshall
Special to CP
Craig James Firing: A Rising Tide of Hostility Over Marriage
ENOUGH! Week after week we hear of some new, outlandish discrimination against Christians because they dare to adhere to the Word of God and not deviate on what God Himself calls sin. Articulate that truth in the marketplace of ideas, and it just might cause you your job or your business.
The Sound of War Drums
Washington is abuzz with the sounds of war. The President is prepared to "go it alone" with a pending air strike against Syria while Congress is holding a series of hearings on whether he has the authority to do so. These are the times that try men's souls.
Abortion: The Shifting Soul of America
Something is happening to the heart of America. A new survey by the Pew Research on Religion and Public Life says something very interesting about how we view the issue of the sanctity of human life.
Most Americans Believe in Bible; Only Twenty Percent Study Scripture Study Four or More Times Weekly
In their State of the Bible in 2013 report, the American Bible Society reveals an overwhelming majority of Americans own and believe what the Bible says. Eighty-eight percent own a Bible, Eighty percent say the Bible is sacred and 61 percent wished they read it more
'Anti Gay' City Ordinance Is Fundamentally Flawed
The mounting animosity against those of us who believe not only in the traditional definition of marriage but the authority of Scripture has reached a feverish pitch with the introduction of a new ordinance being debated by a city council in Texas.
Desmond Tutu's God Seems to be a 'Different Type' of God
It's always surprising how someone who desires to serve God by being a minister of the Gospel can often be tempted to conjure up a gospel of their own creation, making a somewhat more manageable but wholly inaccurate representation of God.
Pediatric Physicians 'Homophobia' Policy Is a Dangerous Political Game
Consider the American Academy of Pediatrics. Founded in 1930, they purport to represent 60,000 pediatricians. But over the years, this organization has drifted more and more into the quicksand of political controversy.
Obamacare Is a Prescription for Failure
The U.S. Supreme Court may have found the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) constitutional, but for the majority of Americans the new law is a very bitter pill to swallow.
Texas Abortion Debate is Changing the Heart of America
Something is happening in our culture today that deserves not only our attention but serves to remind us that some battles are worth fighting. Consider what is happening in the state of Texas over abortion.
Supreme Court Shuffle
The last week in June is almost always reserved for the handing down of the most controversial opinions by the U.S. Supreme Court. Once again, the High Court saved the "big ones" until just before they left for summer recess.