Janet Parshall
Special to CP
Sandy Hook Shooting Was A Cry for Help
We have just passed the one-year anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Newtown Connecticut. As a result, more and more state legislatures are beginning to examine the real cause of such tragedies – and it's about time! The 2013 report from NAMI (the National Alliance on Mental Illness) offers a glimmer of hope for those who are crying out for help – and for the first time, in a long time, America may be truly hearing those cries.
Poll Numbers Should Not Reflect Americans Perspective of Trust, Christ Should
America has long been seen as the nation that could potentially lead the planet to some kind of lasting peace but a new Pew Research Center poll seems to indicate we have lost our place of standing in the world. According to the newly released information, a majority of Americans think that U.S. power in the world is steadily declining.
'Humanist' Group Attempts to Block School Program for Needy
The American Humanist Association is now threatening to sue two public schools for their participation in the shoebox project. East Point Academy, a charter school, has participated with Samaritan's Purse since 2011 but after being threatened by the humanist organization and having a very small legal budget, the school has decided to no longer participate.
The Building of a 'Godless' Church
The dictionary defines the word "church" as "a building that is used for Christian religious services." If that is true, and most of us would agree with that definition, than how can atheists have a "church?"
Christian Prayers Popular Despite Lawsuit From Liberal Group
The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments last week on a case that takes up the role of prayer in a public setting, specifically opening prayers at town meetings. Given the current makeup of the court, it is nearly impossible to predict the outcome.
Abortion Supporters Seek to Retell a Deadly Story
Something is happening in America that is going largely unnoticed by the secular press. A seismic shift in public opinion is taking place on one of the most controversial issues in our culture today – and the proponents of death-on-demand are getting desperate. New polling data indicates Americans are changing their mind on abortion.
God Is Still Not Dead Despite Authors Claims
One of the keynote speakers is Joseph Atwill, author of the book Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus. Atwill believes the Romans needed to squelch the uprisings of the Jews in Palestine so they simply made up a Jewish Messiah with a very pro-Roman worldview.
Abortion: You Cannot Swallow Away Your Problems With a Pill
You may have heard of the "morning after Pill" and perhaps you have even heard of the "week after pill" but how about the "month after pill?"
Death Is a Conversation Worth Having
A fascinating article at Bloomberg.com caught my attention recently. It was the kind of article that puts the power of the Cross into focus, once again. It involves a conversation about death.
American Heritage Girls: A Distinction of Honoring God, Country and Community
American Heritage Girls was organized to create an alternative to the Girl Scouts, which has systematically been fostering ideas that many families can't support.