Jason Jimenez

Jason Jimenez

Op-Ed Contributor

Jason Jimenez is president of Stand Strong Ministries, a faculty member at Summit Ministries, and a best-selling author who specializes in apologetics and biblical worldview training. Check out www.standstrongministries.org.


  • How to ‘stay alert’ until Christ returns

    How to ‘stay alert’ until Christ returns

    It should not surprise us when we see things progressively get darker and more unsettling in our culture. But although things may seem grim, it doesn’t mean Christians should have a “gloom and doom” outlook on life or ignore the times we live in today.

  • 3 deceptive tactics employed by abortion advocates

    3 deceptive tactics employed by abortion advocates

    I don’t oppose a woman’s right to have an abortion because I find it revolting. That’s simply a matter of personal preference. I oppose abortion because it violates moral principles. It is morally wrong to kill an innocent human being.

  • 5 steps to living a more joy filled life

    5 steps to living a more joy filled life

    In a recent conversation with a Christian friend, he shared how several unexpected killjoys had sprung up in his life and dragged him down to a dark place. Since then, my friend has struggled to find joy in his life. What about you? Are you finding it hard to be joyful in life? 

  • Watch out for these CRT books being taught in schools

    Watch out for these CRT books being taught in schools

    Parents must be aware of what their kids are being taught and stay informed about the training teachers are receiving about CRT. The Bible encourages us to "test everything and hold fast to that which is good" (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Therefore, be attentive to what your school district teaches kids about gender, race and equity.

  • We need more sound biblical doctrine in the American church

    We need more sound biblical doctrine in the American church

    If you are a Christian leader in your church, ask yourself, how effective am I in teaching sound doctrine to the people God has called me to shepherd? If you are currently not serving in your church, ask yourself, what can I start doing to be a part of the solution to train up more Christians in the Word of God?

  • The 3 fatal flaws of equity

    The 3 fatal flaws of equity

    On the surface, equity seems to be fair, just, and impartial. But upon further investigation, you find that the outcome of equity is anything but fair, just, and impartial.

  • What you can do to help a stressed out generation

    What you can do to help a stressed out generation

    When you take a closer look at Gen Z, you discover that 9 out of 10 of them are stressed out, and they are ushering in a new American culture that has no room for Christianity.

  • The truth behind cancel culture’s view of truth, freedom of expression, and gender neutrality

    The truth behind cancel culture’s view of truth, freedom of expression, and gender neutrality

    If truth is subjective, then there is no objectivity of truth. And if there is no objective truth, then why should anyone listen to cancel culture?

  • Exposing 3 church weaknesses causing moral decline

    Exposing 3 church weaknesses causing moral decline

    The blurring of the lines between good and evil has become commonplace among "self-identified" Christians, especially among millennials and Gen Z

  • Are there prophets in the church today?

    Are there prophets in the church today?

    That said, it's vital to understand that the prophet's office in modern times is not the same as Old Testament prophets.