Jason Jimenez
Op-Ed Contributor
Jason Jimenez is president of Stand Strong Ministries, a faculty member at Summit Ministries, and a best-selling author who specializes in apologetics and biblical worldview training. Check out www.standstrongministries.org.
Sovereign God and free will: Can both be true?
Can humans genuinely possess free will if God possesses omniscience and has a predetermined plan for everything?
Is the pro-life argument losing steam?
The issue at hand goes beyond mere personal preference or opinion. It delves into fundamental questions about truth, human worth, and the essence of our existence. The complexity arises from the contrasting worldview commitments that shape our perspectives.
Why did God allow the Lakewood Church shooting?
In the aftermath of the tragic shooting at Lakewood Church, it is only natural for us to question why God allows such horrific things to happen on earth.
The true meaning of headship and head coverings for women
By understanding these principles, we can appreciate the importance of head coverings and uphold equality and respect between spouses in accordance with biblical teachings.
A compassionate response to Alistair Begg’s ‘bad advice’ on LGBT weddings
Is Begg suggesting that Christians should attend a "gay" wedding for the Gospel's sake? Yes, I think that is the real motivation behind Begg's advice.
3 questions to open a Gospel conversation with a New Ager
Many today believe that new-age spirituality is similar (if not equivalent) to Christianity, but it is important to recognize that they are fundamentally different.
Sacred intimacy: Exploring sexuality through a biblical lens
By embracing God’s design for sex within marriage, we can experience the joy and intimacy that comes from honoring His perfect plan.
5 biblical tips to help you learn from your doubts
No matter who you are or how long you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior, doubt will creep into your life when you least expect it.
Discipline and generosity: A Christian’s guide to enjoying life in 2024
When we prioritize serving and giving, we align ourselves with the teachings of Jesus and find meaning in putting our faith into practice.
Jemar Tisby and critical race theory
At the end of the day, I respect Tisby as a Christian leader and pray, together, we can stand united in our love for the Gospel and for one another — even with our staunch disagreements.