Jennifer Riley
Christian Post Reporter
Bethlehem Nativity to be Webcast Live for Christmas
For the first time, the Christmas Eve mass at the Bethlehem site believed to be the birthplace of Jesus will be streamed live for people around the world to watch.
Churches More Informal, Diverse than a Decade Ago
More worship services today include drums, jumping and shouting or dancing, raising hands in praise, calling out "amen," visual projection equipment, applause, and speaking by people other than leaders compared to 1998, the National Congregations Study shows.
Refugees in U.S. Hit Hard by Economic Troubles
While the economic downturn has affected nearly all Americans adversely, new refugees in the United States have been hit particularly hard by the financial turmoil and many are facing possible eviction on Jan. 1.
Social Gospel is 'Marxism in Christian Clothing,' Says Warren
Best-selling author, social activist and megachurch pastor Rick Warren described the social gospel supported by many of the mainline churches as \"Marxism in Christian clothing.\"
Not Much Behavior Change during Christmas, Survey Finds
Unlike what most people expect, most Americans do not dramatically change their lifestyle during the Christmas season, according to a survey that examined five seasonal behaviors.
Christian Leader Counsels Businesses through Economic Struggles
The head of a ministry that trains Christian leaders worldwide offered advice to business leaders who need to make tough decisions to keep their companies afloat during the difficult economic times.
Mumbai Terrorism Overshadows Anti-Christian Violence
For weeks the world\'s attention has been focused on Mumbai, India, where coordinated terrorist attacks left nearly 200 people dead, including many foreign visitors. But some are hoping that the world will not forget to look at another terrorist attack occurring in India that has been less reported.
Cardinal: Religion Treated as 'Private Eccentricity' in Britain
The head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales expressed frustration this week that religion is seen as a \"private eccentricity\" in Britain, where it is increasingly treated with hostility.
United Methodists Go Mobile with Ad Campaign
The United Methodist Church is testing out a mobile ad campaign this month that will incorporate a two-fold strategy of text messaging along with outdoor advertising.
Rev. Wright Preaches Again at Trinity UCC
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright - most famous for being President-elect Barack Obama\'s ex-pastor - returned to the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ on Sunday to give a special sermon – the first time he did so since his retirement early this year.