Jennifer Riley
Christian Post Reporter
Interfaith Leaders Lobby for Auto Bailout
Faith leaders in Greater Detroit launched a national lobbying campaign this week to urge members of Congress to back loans for the city\'s Big Three auto manufacturers.
Thrivent Donates $24M for '09 Habitat Homes
Amid economic difficulties and the mortgage crisis, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and Habitat for Humanity announced Friday they will build more than 300 affordable homes for low-income families in 2009.
Christian Groups Respond to Deadly Flood in Brazil
Christian relief groups are on the ground helping victims of a flood that is described as the \"worst environmental calamity\" in the Brazilian state\'s history.
Medical Charity Celebrates Int'l Day of Disabled Persons
Mercy Ships, a Christian medical charity, is celebrating the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on Dec. 3 by reflecting on one of its recent successful surgeries in Liberia.
Americans Pass Economic Woes to Churches
Americans are adjusting their expenditures and cutting back wherever possible to adapt to the economic downturn, which includes for many people reducing donations to churches, according to a new survey.
Global Economy Needs Radical Change, WCC Declares
World leaders need to make radical changes to the global economic system so that it is more just to the poor and protects the environment, said the world\'s largest ecumenical body ahead the U.N. International Conference on Financing for Development that began Saturday.
Jonas Brothers to Kick Off Red Kettle Campaign
Teen pop rock sensation Jonas Brothers will kick off the annual Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign by performing live during the Dallas Cowboys\' Thanksgiving Day game. The award-winning boy band calls on Americans to launch their own personal online red kettle.
S. Baptists Gear Up for Ambitious Mission Plan
Southern Baptist churches are being recruited to join a massive 12-year long, grassroots evangelism plan to share the Gospel with every person in North America by 2020. Pilot editions of God\'s Plan for Sharing (GPS) will be launched in five states.
New Web Tool Offers One-Stop Shop for Donors
A new web tool is available that makes searching for non-profits to donate to a one-stop shopping experience. Using \"ServantMatch,\" donors can choose the type of organization they would like to give to.
Nearly 1 in 8 Americans Struggled with Hunger in 2007
Close to one out of every eight Americans struggled to feed themselves adequately in 2007, a report by the Agriculture Department revealed. In other words, 12.2 percent of Americans did not have enough money or assistance to obtain enough food to maintain active, healthy lives.